When it comes to politics, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
Despite a Democratic poll that bodes very well for Republican Congressional candidate Michael Grimm, the Grimm campaign is emphatically not trying to make friends with the Dems.

The national Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which works to elect Democrats to Congress, conducted the poll, which surveyed over 400 potential Republican voters and found Grimm had a ten-point lead over incumbent U.S. Rep. Dan Donovan (R-South Brooklyn, Staten Island) in the upcoming June 26 primary. This seemingly bodes good for both Grimm, and the Dems as Donovan has more cross party appeal.
According to the poll, Grimm leads the race 49 percent to 39 percent, including holding an 11-point lead in Staten Island.
“This poll is no surprise as it’s consistent with our own internal analysis, but it also demonstrates Desperate Dan’s willingness to lie and embarrass himself just to fool the voters. Whether it’s putting out absurd press releases claiming he’s 40 points ahead, lying through his teeth about supporting the President and the America First agenda, or taking credit for passing Zadroga benefits for 9/11 first responders — all Dan [Donovan] can apparently do is lie and deflect while he spends his last 8 months in office obstructing the President’s agenda,” a statement from Grimm said.

The DCCC declined to disclose the costs of the polling, but their preferred Democratic candidate Max Rose was quick to respond to polls, asking donors to part with a few sheckles.
“That’s right, Michael Grimm, the man who lied to the world when he told us he is innocent, is going to win the Republican primary,” the Rose campaign fired off in an email to supporters, asking supporters for the donation.
According to Grimm spokesperson Joe Shikhman, he is not surprised Rose would try to take advantage of the poll.
“Of course he’s going to try to fundraise off of this,” he said, “They anticipate they will have an easier time against Grimm than Donovan,
Shikman said the poll the DCCC ran is similar to a poll they ran in early march which showed Grimm up one point.
He said Donovan lost the base of the Republican party, which is why he says it makes sense people are supporting Grimm.
“They’re not going to magically come back in November,” Shikman said.
Meanwhile, the Donovan camp called the Dem poll self-serving.
“Of course the DCCC is desperate for Michael Grimm because they know he has zero shot of winning in November and they want to flip this seat to make Nancy Pelosi Speaker and impeach the President. This poll is as phony as their lawsuit against President Trump; voters are going to re-elect Dan Donovan who will keep this seat in Republican hands and help enact the President’s agenda to strengthen America,” said Donovan Spokesperson Jessica Proud.