Aaron C. Morris

Aaron C. Moris- Immigration Equality

Aaron Morris is the executive director of Immigration Equality, a national nonprofit fighting for the rights of LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrants. He and his team protect and empower queer and positive people through legal services, impact litigation, and policy advocacy. For years, Aaron served on the NYC Bar Association’s Committee on LGBTQ Rights and the Special Committee on HIV/AIDS. Previously, he was a staff attorney at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your career so far?
As a person who is a queer-identified advocate for immigrants, I have worked with hundreds of LGBTQ people from all parts of the world. Many come to the U.S. fleeing persecution and torture because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. What I have learned is that refugees possess great strength, resilience, and determination. And when we welcome refugees into the U.S., they bring remarkable innovation, ingenuity, and creativity to the nation.

Why is diversity, equity and inclusion important to you and/or your organization?
Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion offers numerous benefits at both individual and organizational levels. When people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives come together, it fosters a rich exchange of ideas, increasing innovation and creativity. Inclusive environments encourage the participation of individuals with diverse perspectives, which leads to more informed decision-making processes. Embracing diversity and inclusion fosters social cohesion, harmony, and mutual respect within communities.

What advice do you have for organizations looking to establish or improve DEI initiatives?
Sometimes, starting a DEI process can feel overwhelming. But I think it’s best not to think of it as a process with a beginning and an end, but rather as an ongoing effort that improves the organization over time. Take that first step in the right direction, and then just keep moving forward. I am so thankful to everyone at Immigration Equality for making this work a priority, especially those on our DEIB committee!