Dynamic SRG

Darren Rigger- Dynamic SRG

Darren Rigger

Partner, Dynamic SRG

Darren Rigger- Dynamic SRG

Darren has worked on more than 100 campaigns over 25 years raising millions of dollars for progressive causes and candidates. He has won many awards for his work including being the recipient of the 2022 American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) Campaign Excellence Award for Democratic Fundraiser of the Year. In the Hudson Valley, he is a former city council member, state committee member and city chairman of the Democratic Party.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
Congressman Charlie Rangel said, “No one is a part of history staying home sitting on the sofa”.  He said to go out and be a part of the fight.  March, protest, volunteer and participate.  Later, you will proudly say that you marched with MLK, or Cesar or Bobby.

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
Winning matters. No one hires you if you worked on “symbolic” losing races or races that send a message.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
Grow the company by hiring, training and mentoring the next generation of political operatives.  Like in elected office, some people stay too long and refuse to help mentor young people.  I think people with experience can’t be so afraid of new people with fresh ideas.

Walter Swett – Dynamic SRG

Walter Swett

Principal, Dynamic SRG

Walter Swett – Dynamic SRG

Walter Swett has decades of experience providing strategic resource consulting for those seeking to change the world and follow their dreams.  He has led successful campaigns to win elections at every level of government and driven growth for a broad range of organizations. As a donor advisor he has nurtured the establishment of lasting relationships. He is a Tony-nominated Broadway producer and has worked closely with democratic leaders throughout New York.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
Return all calls and emails, even when the answer is no.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
Help make Hakeem Jeffries speaker of the house and Kamala Harris president of the United States.



Margot Edelman- Edelman

Margot Edelman

General Manager, New York, Edelman

Margot Edelman- Edelman

Margot Edelman is the general manager of Edelman’s New York Office. Previously, she led the Bay Area Hub and Edelman’s Technology Practice. With extensive experience in brand building and corporate reputation, she serves clients of all sizes. Margot also hosts a monthly “get to know the media” series with top reporters. A graduate of Harvard Business School and Harvard University, she has worked at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
Always try to tell the client something they don’t already know themselves!

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
How non-stop it is! The media cycle is 24-7.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
Continue to delve into all things AI! I want to learn as much as possible.

Lisa Kovitz- Edelman

Lisa Kovitz

Managing Director, NY Earned Media, Edelman

Lisa Kovitz- Edelman

Lisa, a seasoned earned media expert and native New Yorker, guides clients and colleagues through the dynamic media landscape at Edelman. Since 2011, she has led efforts for the National 9/11 Memorial and Museum, including its opening and annual name readings. In March 2023, Lisa worked with The Partnership for New York City on the WE❤NYC campaign, achieving 252 million reach on launch day with Governor Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
You need to be your authentic self at work; constantly editing your personality is exhausting. Be kind, respectful, and show appreciation to everyone at every level. Though it’s called work for a reason, I believe in having fun and often use humor to lighten the mood when appropriate.

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
Never pass up a chance to learn a new skill – whether it’s presenting to a large group, mastering basic financial skills, or understanding emerging technologies like AI and how it can – or can’t – improve our efficiency.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
I am looking for opportunities to volunteer in my community and give back to institutions and groups that make a difference in the quality of life where I live. Giving money is one thing, but giving your time and expertise will feel more meaningful.


Richard Fife- RJF Communications

Richard Fife

Founder, RJF Communications, Inc.

Richard Fife- RJF Communications

Richard Fife started his career with the Garth Group and has gone on to develop strategy and produce media for mayoral, congressional, senatorial, gubernatorial, and presidential campaigns in more than 15 states. Most recently, he served as a strategist and communications consultant to the winning campaigns of U.S. Representative Dan Goldman, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, and Senator Robert Jackson.  

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
Only work for people and causes you like

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
Help save our democracy.

Randall Franklin- Elevation Strategies

Randall Franklin

CEO, Elevation Strategies

Randall Franklin- Elevation Strategies

Randall Franklin is a political consultant/organizer and lobbyist in the New York City area. He grew up in Suffolk County and has always been active in his community and interested in local politics. He learned the importance of hard work from his mother, assistant director of billing at a Long Island hospital and his father, who served as motorman for the MTA for 30+ years. Throughout his life, Randall has dedicated his career lobbying on behalf of local residents on issues ranging from housing, fair elections, voter’s rights, small businesses, gig workers’ rights, and alternative public transportation

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
The best advice I have received from a mentor was simply: believe in people. At their core, people want what’s best for themselves and for others. Other industries have products, campaigns have people: the candidate, the staff, the volunteers, and of course, the voters. Every single one of those people is capable of showing their truest, most authentic selves to make the change they need in their communities. Part of believing in people is also believing in myself, so I could also bring my most authentic self to every situation…..and always follow up!!!

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
I wish I had known how little people understand about how their government works, and by contrast, how much work goes into getting that information to the average person. Much of my job is simply providing people with the information they need in order to vote with confidence on the issues they care about. It sounds easy, but there’s so much effort, coordination, and communication that goes into even the most simple of mailers

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
I am most excited about bringing ScooterCon to realization. The first ScooterCon will be an event in the Fall of 2024. I would like to bring city agencies like DOT, local and federal officials, members of the community, and riders of e-bikes, scooters and mopeds together to discuss the nuances and challenges that the increased popularity of e-vehicles in our city has introduced. It is my hope that ScooterCon will be the first step in fostering a healthy, compassionate dialogue between the e-rider community and the city in which they are a part of.

Anat Gerstein- Anat Gerstein Inc

Anat Gerstein

Founder and President, Anat Gerstein, Inc.

Anat Gerstein- Anat Gerstein Inc

Anat Gerstein leads Anat Gerstein Inc., a full-service communications firm for nonprofits. Passionate about impactful storytelling and community betterment, Anat and her team create strategies that drive change and amplify missions. Specializing in media relations, donor engagement, and advocacy, Anat’s prior roles include chief of staff and press secretary to NYC Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum, PR services for Eli Lilly and Cigna, and promoting political candidates.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
“Do what you love and commit to doing it well.” I’m grateful to partner with nonprofits exclusively, helping to improve lives and communities every day.

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
I wish I had known earlier just how valuable the nonprofit sector is and how it enhances the vitality of our city and state. If I had, I would have started this impactful work much sooner.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
With nonprofit fundraising and individual donations down in 2023, our goal for 2024 is to help our nonprofit clients improve their fundraising outcomes through even better communication strategies, strategic communications, and storytelling.