Michael Woloz- CMW Strategies

Michael Woloz

President and CEO, CMW Strategies

Michael Woloz- CMW Strategies

Michael Woloz joined the public affairs firm Connelly & McLaughlin in 2000 after a career in journalism and with the New York City Council. He later established CMW Strategies which has been consistently ranked as a top-ten lobbying firm in New York City for nearly a decade. Michael’s success on behalf of major clients in arts and culture, sustainability, transportation, technology and real estate has placed him among the most sought-after professionals in the field.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
The great lobbyist and political guru Marty McLaughlin once told me to always make a decision. The important thing is not to equivocate or overthink.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
As 2024 comes to a close and we prepare for 2025, a pivotal year in national and local politics, I want to ensure that our clients are well-positioned for success. It sounds like a generic goal but it’s very important to be able to seamlessly transition through political change so that our firm and our clients emerge stronger.

Joni Yoswein- Yoswein New York

Joni Yoswein

Founder and CEO, Yoswein New York

Joni Yoswein- Yoswein New York

Joni A. Yoswein is the CEO and founder of Yoswein New York, an award-winning lobbying, government relations and communications firm founded in 1994 and which has become one of the state’s premier boutique public affairs firms. Joni is a former member of the NYS Assembly and prior to that served as the chief of staff to the Assembly Speaker. She was also a former assistant commissioner for the NYC Department of Aging. 

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
It sounds incredibly simple, but former Assemblyman Anthony Genovesi told me early on in my career to, above all, “do the right thing” and respect government and its power to effectuate lives. First in my roles as a legislative staffer and an elected official, and since as a government relations professional, I’ve been guided by these principles and still honestly believe in the potential for government to be efficient, equitable and empowering.

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
When I began my work in public service and government, no one could have ever imagined or predicted the evolution of social media and the incredibly profound impacts it has had on public policy and discourse….both positively and negatively. In retrospect, understanding its immense potential power in the political arena early on would have been ideal, but we can learn from that and recognize we now have similar challenges/opportunities before us with AI.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
My hope is to continue guiding our clients through these tumultuous political times in the most ethical, responsible and effective manner possible. That’s central to what our YNY team does every day. And I also hope that as more political leaders step up with integrity and civility, we’ll see a re-emergence of public confidence in our governmental institutions and their critical roles in our day-to-day lives.

Marc Zdanow- Engage Voters US

Marc Zdanow

Founder and CEO, Engage Voters US

Marc Zdanow- Engage Voters US

Marc Zdanow is a seasoned political consultant and CEO of Engage Voters US, providing customized voter data and a range of engagement services to political candidates and organizations. With 20+ years of experience in marketing, networking, social media, campaign solutions, and political communication, Marc has been recognized as a top political consultant year after year. Marc is a devoted family man, plant-based yogi and swimmer, who enjoys spending time with his 6-year-old daughter.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
The best advice I’ve received is to be proactive and not to make assumptions without hard evidence. Everything is up in the air until it isn’t.

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
I wish I knew how much data analytics would play a part in crafting successful engagement.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
I’m looking forward to our team crushing the year, beating our goals and learning as much as possible along the way.