Diane Cahill- Cahill Strategies

Diane Cahill

Founder and CEO, Cahill Strategies LLC

Diane Cahill- Cahill Strategies

Diane Cahill is an experienced strategist in government relations and communications, specializing in business and industry, and education. Diane has extensive experience in the private and public sectors. At Cahill Strategies, Diane leads a team of government relations and communications professionals. Diane has been a lobbyist and advocate with a focus on children with special needs and their families. Diane also serves as a go-to strategist for clients in the New York City construction industry.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
New York is a tough market. Go all in, and don’t let anyone stand in your way. 

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
When I started in government relations and communications, I underestimated the essential role of a strong network. Building relationships with key stakeholders is crucial, as they form the foundation of trust and influence, opening doors that technical skills alone cannot. If I had prioritized these connections earlier, I could have navigated challenges more effectively, strategically capitalized on opportunities, and driven more impactful change throughout my career.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
In 2024, I aim to expand Cahill Strategies’ footprint in the health care and education sectors, particularly by spearheading initiatives that improve services for children with special needs. My goal is to drive new legislative efforts that enhance access to critical resources, ensuring that families receive the support they need. By doing so, I hope to continue making a tangible impact on the communities we serve, further solidifying our role as advocates for positive change.

James Capalino- Capalino

James Capalino

CEO, Capalino

James Capalino- Capalino

Jim Capalino is recognized as one of New York’s premier urban problem-solving strategists. His background combines senior management roles in government, public relations, real estate, and construction management. As founder and CEO of Capalino, Jim has overseen the growth of the most well-respected government relations and strategic consulting practice in New York City. Capalino has helped companies achieve success in NY such as Airbnb, Metropolitan Opera, Related Companies, and Uber.

Anthony Carone- Oaktree Solutions

Anthony Carone

CEO, Oaktree Solutions

Anthony Carone- Oaktree Solutions

Anthony J. Carone is the chief executive officer of Oaktree Solutions and an attorney with over 20 years of experience practicing law in the business, corporate, real estate and government affairs industries. 

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?  
I was encouraged to read How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and to attend the training course based on the book. I still use the skills learned from that experience 30 years later. One quote that continues to inspire me is:  “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
A fast no is better than a slow yes.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
Help more local nonprofits effectuate positive change in the lives of our New York neighbors in need.

Justin Chae- Olympus Public Affairs

Justin Chae

CEO, Olympus Public Affairs and Meridian

Justin Chae- Olympus Public Affairs

Crisis response begets crisis creation. New York’s biggest and finest trust Justin Chae to do just that. Utilizing private investigators, videography, digital, phone banking, door-to-door, and press, 25-year-old Chae and his team go to war for their clients. Chae is nationally recognized for his work by Crain’s, City & State, and more. From legal troubles, labor negotiations, or even public health, they know how to create or respond to it.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
“Only consultants think that the average person speaks in full sentences”– Dr. Hank Sheinkopf

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
I wish I knew how dire the need was for discipline, systems, and standardization. We marry military discipline, creative arts, and political acumen to deliver surefire execution for our clients.

Zee Cohen Sanchez- Sole Strategies

Zee Cohen-Sanchez

Executive Director, Sole Strategies

Zee Cohen Sanchez- Sole Strategies

Zee started her career in New York over a decade ago and has successfully led her all-women team that has worked on over 500 campaigns since 2020. After Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign, she committed herself full-time to helping Democratic candidates flip seats across the nation. Her team recently developed the Sole App, the first real-time GPS canvasser tracking system on the market. The app has changed the canvassing industry by ensuring 99.99% data accuracy.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
You’ll never be ready, the key is to start before you’re ready. A Republican operative told me that in my 20s and it always stuck with me. People will always have an opinion on your experience which typically stems from their own insecurities. You have the power to get people elected, but you can’t do that if you never start.

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
Axelrod said, “The world of politics divides into two cohorts. The larger one are the people who want to run for office because they want power, they want to be something. Then there is a smaller more admirable cohort that wants to run because they want to do something.” My job is to find those candidates who want to get elected for the right reasons and give them the team they need to win big.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
I hope that our all-women team gets the opportunity to elect the first woman president of the United States. Nothing would mean more to us as powerful women operatives to have the opportunity to get out there and flip swing states that will ultimately determine this election. We will do everything in our power to make sure a dangerous sexual predator, Donald Trump, is not our next president.

Constantinople & Vallone Consulting

Anthony Constantinople- Constantinople & Vallone Consulting

Anthony Constantinople

Partner, Constantinople & Vallone Consulting

Anthony Constantinople- Constantinople & Vallone Consulting

With over 20 years of experience, Anthony is a prominent advocate for land use, environmental, energy, and education issues. His forward-thinking strategies help clients address New York’s sustainability needs, leading to successful land use actions and legal reforms. Anthony is a board member for the New York League of Conservation Voters and began his career at WilmerHale in corporate finance and securities law. He holds a Juris Doctor from Fordham University.

Perry Vallone- Constantinople & Vallone Consulting

Perry Vallone

Partner, Constantinople & Vallone Consulting

Perry Vallone- Constantinople & Vallone Consulting

Perry is a licensed attorney in New York and New Jersey, specializing in real estate and land use. Since 2008, he has worked at C&V, leading large-scale housing developments and securing funding for nonprofits. Perry is known for his strategic approach and ability to navigate complex government processes, helping clients meet city, state, and federal needs. He holds degrees from Monmouth University and St. John’s University Law School.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
My father lives his life trying to do the right thing in all aspects of life – and Anthony and I continue that emphasis at the firm. As for lobbying advice, my father, understanding the important role lobbyists served when he was Speaker, stressed to us early on the importance of presenting facts that can be relied upon by elected officials and agencies in making decisions that affect people’s lives.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
We have been honored by the recognition my brother Paul has received for the positive influence he had on people’s lives. His legacy lives on through initiatives like the Coach Paul A. Vallone Soccer Fund, supporting students in need, the Paul A. Vallone Animal Care Center, ensuring full-service animal shelters in NYC, and the Hon. Paul Vallone Memorial Scholarship. We look forward to continuing that family tradition of helping others in 2024 and beyond.


Robert Cornegy- 610 Collective

Robert Cornegy Jr.

Founder and CEO, 610 Collective LLC

Robert Cornegy- 610 Collective

Robert Cornegy is the founder and CEO of 610 Collective LLC, a boutique consulting firm. He served two terms as an NYC Council Member, chairing the council’s Committee on Housing and Buildings, Small Business and the Minority- and Women-owned Business Enterprise Task Force. Cornegy was also a member of the budget negotiating team and named democratic conference chair. He holds a graduate degree in business from Mercy College and is a Melking fellow at MIT.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
The best advice I have ever received from a mentor is to establish, cultivate, and build all your relationships.

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
Before starting this career, I wish I had known the value of every interaction and the opportunity each interaction is to grow your business.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
In 2024, I hope to participate in projects that share my passion for building infrastructure and improving the resiliency of our waterways.

Stephanie Crockett- Mower

Stephanie Crockett

President and CEO, Mower

Stephanie Crockett- Mower

Stephanie Crockett is president and CEO of Mower, a fiercely independent, women-led and 100% employee-owned integrated marketing, advertising and public relations agency with professional staff across the U.S. She is responsible for growth, planning, culture and leading all internal and external activities of the agency, which is among the leading public relations and public affairs resources in the country. Stephanie also leads the agency’s Energy & Sustainability Practice from her homebase in Syracuse, NY.

What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
I receive pretty incredible advice from many mentors on a daily basis and I carry them with me. A former boss told me that I needed to stop trying to prove to everyone how smart I was, that I didn’t know everything and should sit back and listen. Eric Mower’s advice over the years has taught me so much, and the best advice is perseverance in the face of tough times and to press on. 

Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
Perhaps not unique to the marketing and PR industry, but I wish I had known the Platinum Rule much earlier in my career: To treat people as THEY want to be treated, not as I want to be treated. Understanding the importance of this and relating to people from their perspective and with their language, so to speak, has proven so valuable in my relationships with colleagues, clients, and many others in my life.

What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
It’s challenging to narrow this down to one thing, but first and foremost we want to continue supporting our employees with ongoing professional development through leadership training with our in-residence coach, advanced diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging education, skills training through on-and-off-site resources, a new mentorship program and an improved wellness program. That and growth, growth and more growth!