New York City students walk out of class for abortion rights


Hundreds of high school students cut class Thursday for the second time this month to march for abortion rights. It is the third march they have led since the nationwide protest on May 14. 

New York City’s youth gathered at Union Square on May 19 as the Supreme Court’s potential decision to overturn Roe v. Wade looms. This ever-present dark cloud spurred some 200, mostly female, students who chanted, “Hands off our reproductive rights!”

Photo by Lloyd Mitchell

The demonstrators decked out in green—the international color representing abortion rights— walked out of class at 1pm before meeting at the park carrying signs and banners denouncing the leaked draft. Students from middle school, high school, and colleges including Hunter College, Lehman College, Stuyvesant High School, Beacon School, NY ICE Middle School, Polly Prep, Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech, Dalton, Trevor, and more joined the social media call from RiseUp4AbortionRights.