Katz Breaks Ground On Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver today will join Vietnam War veterans from Queens in hosting a groundbreaking ceremony for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Elmhurst Park.
More veterans call Queens home than anywhere in the city and the project will be the first boroughwide memorial to honor all Queens residents who died while serving in the Vietnam War. It is to be built on the northwest corner of Elmhurst Park and is slated for completion in Fall 2019.
Construction of the memorial has been long sought after by Queens veterans who have wanted a boroughwide memorial to recognize the sacrifices made by hundreds of Queens residents and their families during the Vietnam War.
The design and construction is fully funded by allocations from Katz’s office, which has allocated $2.3 million in capital funding between FY17-18, which comes on top of the $550,000 first secured in FY08 by then-City Councilmember Katz.
A total of 420 Queens residents lost their lives while serving in the Vietnam War, according to Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 32, which represents Vietnam War veterans of Queens.
The Groundbreaking Ceremony is slated for 12:30 p.m., today, Nov. 29 at Elmhurst Park, northwest corner of Grand Avenue and 79th Street in Elmhurst.
Lancman Bill Ensuring Individuals Released from City Jails are Informed of Voting Rights Passes City Council

City Council Member Rory Lancman (D-Kew Gardens Hills, Pomonok, Electchester, Fresh Meadows, Hillcrest, Jamaica Estates, Briarwood, Parkway Village, Jamaica Hills, Jamaica) yesterday saw the city council pass his legislation, Intro. 514, to require the Department of Correction (DOC) to inform every individual released from a city jail of their voting rights.
The bill directs DOC to provide every person released from a city jail with written notice outlining the voting rights of formerly incarcerated individuals in New York State, and details on voter eligibility. DOC must also offer every released individual a voter registration form.
“An overwhelming number of individuals released from DOC custody have the right to vote, yet the majority are unaware of that right,” said Lancman. “We know that rebuilding societal ties reduces recidivism for justice-involved people and my legislation is another step we must take to re-enfranchise those communities.”
Ulrich Informs Constituents About Property Tax Relief

City Councilman Eric Ulrich (R-Belle Harbor, Breezy Point, Broad Channel, Howard Beach, Lindenwood, Neponsit, Ozone Park, Richmond Hill, Rockaway Park, Roxbury, South Ozone Park, West Hamilton Beach, Woodhaven), in an effort to help local homeowners get much-needed property tax relief, next week will sponsor an open enrollment event in Howard Beach.
Representatives from the city’s Department of Finance (DOF) will be on-hand to educate and help eligible residents enroll in various property tax exemptions. Homeowners currently receiving the Senior Citizen Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE) and Disabled Homeowners’ Exemption (DHE) can also submit their renewal applications at the event.
“I am thrilled to partner with the Dept. of Finance to host this information session for my constituents. There are so many senior citizens and people with disabilities who are not aware that they qualify for significant tax reductions,” said Ulrich. “This is a great opportunity for homeowners to learn about and apply for tax relief programs that could help them save thousands of dollars.”
According to DOF, there are more than 400 residents in Ulrich’s district who have not yet renewed their property tax exemptions. DOF is encouraging New York City homeowners to renew their SCHE and DHE applications by the end of the year. Homeowners must renew their applications by March 15, 2019 to ensure they retain their property tax exemptions.
The free event is slated for between 6-8 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 4 in the cafeteria at St. Helen’s Catholic Academy, 8309 157th Avenue in Howard Beach.
Sanders Jr. To Host Veterans Job & Resource Fair

State Sen. & Marine Corps veteran James Sanders Jr. (D-Richmond Hill, South Ozone Park, Jamaica, Rochdale Village, Rosedale, parts of Far Rockaway) next week will host a Veterans Job and Resource Fair.
Attendees MUST be either a veteran of any branch of the U.S. military or an active service member. If you plan to attend, Sanders’ office recommends that you bring copies of your resume and DD-214 form, and RSVP by calling Senator Sanders’ District Office at 718-523-3069.
The lawmakers office is also seeking vendors who are specifically looking to hire veterans or provide free resources and services to them. If you are interested in becoming a vendor, you must call Senator Sanders’ District Office at 718-523-3069 and register in advance, so that a table and chairs can be reserved for you.
The fair is slated for between 12 noon – 4 p.m., Friday, December 7, 2018 (Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day) at the Daniel M. O’Connell American Legion Post 272 (Knights of Columbus), 330 Beach 90th Street in Rockaway Beach.