Gillibrand, Peralta Decry Trump Supreme Court Pick

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and State Sen. Jose Peralta (D- Corona, East Elmhurst, Elmhurst, Jackson Heights, Woodside) yesterday both decried President Donald J. Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Kavanaugh, although a distinguished and highly educated Federal Circuit Judge, is considered very conservative.
“If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed, he would tip the balance of the Supreme Court even more against workers’ rights, civil rights, and women’s rights for decades to come. I do not think he is the right choice for our country, and I am going to vote against him and urge my colleagues to do the same,” said Gillibrand.
“This new judge could be the deciding vote in weather insurance companies can charge people more, or don’t have to cover them at all anymore, if they have preexisting conditions — and nearly half of all New Yorkers have a preexisting condition. He could be the deciding vote to uphold the disastrous Citizens United decision, which allowed corporations to pour unlimited money into our politics. And he could be the deciding vote in overturning Roe v. Wade, which is what President Trump said he wanted his new Supreme Court Justice to do.
“I strongly oppose Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination and I urge all New Yorkers to raise their voices and join me in opposing him. We need a justice who will protect the rights of all people in our state — not just some,” she added.

Peralta said with a self-imposed reality TV-like deadline, President Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is nothing but an attempt to bring us back in time and reverse all the progress made in the last decades.
“Judge Kavanaugh’s past actions on the bench have shown he is more than ready to repeal Roe v. Wade and restrict access to contraception. Here in New York, it is crucial that we codify Roe v. Wade and protect a woman’s right to choose as well as access to safe and affordable contraception. This is why I am calling for a special session in Albany to ensure we do just that. In addition, I want to thank Governor Andrew Cuomo for signing an executive order to protect abortion rights. It’s a good step, but we need a special session to guarantee women’s rights in New York,” said Peralta.
Maloney Decries Trump Administration’s Attempt to Block Essential U.N. Breastfeeding Resolution

U.S. Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn) yesterday joined mothers and breastfeeding advocates to decry the Trump Administration’s recent attempts to block a United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly resolution endorsing breastfeeding and calling on countries to limit inaccurate or misleading marketing of substitutes.
“We should be supporting all efforts to make breast feeding easier and more accepted. We should be taking a stand against corporations that try to muddy the waters and confuse mothers into thinking that formula is always the way to go,” said Maloney.
“We should not be bullying other countries and attempting to water down resolutions that would recognize the importance of breastfeeding for infants and would work against misleading attempts to sell substitutes for a mother’s milk. I will keep working in Washington to make sure to break down the barriers so that every woman can choose to breastfeed, and will fight to protect the rights we have already won,” she added.
The health effects of breastfeeding are globally recognized and apply to mothers and children in developed nations, such as the US, as well as to those in developing countries. Breast milk helps protect against a number of childhood diseases, including ear infections, juvenile diabetes, lymphoma, some chronic liver diseases, and allergies. The World Health Organization and American Academy of Pediatrics recommend six months of exclusive breastfeeding for all infants.
Maloney is a longtime advocate of breastfeeding rights. In 1998, she introduced a comprehensive bill promoting breastfeeding and protecting women who choose to breastfeed. One of the provisions of that bill, which allowed states to spend more money on breastfeeding promotion and support through the Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) nutrition program, became law in 1998.
Avella Says Tree Takes Over Neighborhood

State Sen. Toney Avella (D-College Point, Whitestone, Bayside, Flushing, Jamaica Estates, Fresh Meadows, Bellerose, Floral Park, Jamaica, Douglaston, Little Neck, Auburndale, Kissena Park, Briarwood) yesterday stood with Beachhurst homeowner Carlo Colagiacomo to demand that the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) remove two City trees from the front of Mr. Colagiacomo’s home.
Avella said this is the worst case of city tree roots invading a homeowner’s property that he has ever seen. The tree roots have completely invaded Mr. Colagiacomo’s entire property – his front, back and side yards, his driveway, his walkway, his sewer lines and are even coming up through the catch basin in front of his property, Avella said.
The roots of the tree have engulfed the fire hydrant and have spread to his neighbors across the street.
“It really is the tree that took over the neighborhood. It is bad enough that the trees are invading his property but they are even coming out of the catch basin and the homeowner’s downspout. This is an utter failure to provide basic city services to those paying some of the highest property taxes in the country,” said Avella.
Vallone, Katz To Announce Over $2 million Allocation For Samuel Field Y

Queens Borough President Melinda Katz (D) and City Council Member Paul Vallone (D-Alley Pond Park, Bay Terrace, Bayside, College Point, Douglaston, East Elmhurst, Flushing, Fresh Meadows, Little Neck and Whitestone) along with community members and civic leaders today will announce over $2 million in funding to construct a permanent indoor sports space at Samuel Field Y.
Other in attendance include Samuel Field Y Board of Directors President Lawrence Gottlieb, and Samuel Field Y President and CEO Danielle Elman.
The announcement is slated for 12:30 p.m., today, July 10 at Bay Terrace Center of the Samuel Field Y, 212-00 23rd Avenue in Bayside.