Ostroff Associates

Diana Ostroff- Ostroff Associates

Diana Ostroff

COO, Ostroff Associates

Diana Ostroff- Ostroff Associates

With 29 years of experience, Diana’s background has led her to develop a broad range of knowledge and expertise on an extensive number of issues impacting a vast number of industries. She is a passionate advocate for her clients and brings energy, enthusiasm, professionalism and integrity to each issue she works on. She has developed and executed lobbying campaigns on behalf of the largest and most well-respected corporations in the world.

What influenced you to pursue a career in this field?
As an undergraduate student studying business management, I had the opportunity to work at an organization that represented large businesses throughout New York state. While there, I quickly realized how government actions could drastically impact a business’s operations, and the need to educate decision makers on topics they were unfamiliar with to avoid unintended consequences.

Do you have any advice for someone interested in a career in public relations or lobbying?
To enter this field, you must learn the legislative process, build relationships, know the political landscape, know your issues, and learn the art of persuasion. Some suggestions for people interested in this field would be to volunteer or work on a political campaign, intern with a legislator’s office or lobbying firm, volunteer with a non-profit, or shadow current lobbyists.

What skills do you think are most useful to succeed in this industry?
This is not an easy career and you will have to do your homework and work hard on every issue you work on. You will need to know the political landscape, your state legislators, key staff, who your allies and opponents are and how to negotiate a solution. The skills needed include organizational skills, research skills, analytical skills, relationship building, problem-solving, and communication skills.

Rick Ostroff, Ostroff Associates

Rick Ostroff

President and CEO, Ostroff Associates

Rick Ostroff, Ostroff Associates

Rick has been working in government and politics for over 40 years. He founded Ostroff Associates in 1995 and since then has provided leadership and expertise to clients throughout New York State. Before starting the firm, Rick was the assistant for legislative affairs for Governor Mario Cuomo. Rick advised the governor on legislation and was the liaison between the Governor’s office and the New York State Legislature. Rick has a degree in economics from the University at Albany, SUNY.

What influenced you to pursue a career in this field?
After working for Governor Mario Cuomo for 12 years, I was passionate about how government could make a difference in so many peoples’ lives. Government relations is an extension of what I did in government. It’s so important to foster productive conversations between the public and private sector, and I’m grateful our firm is able to make a difference for businesses as well as nonprofits.

Do you have any advice for someone interested in a career in public relations or lobbying?
If you can, I recommend working in government for a period of time. Also, find an issue or industry to advocate for that you truly enjoy or are personally aligned with.

What skills do you think are most useful to succeed in this industry?
Above all – you need a love for what you do. Beyond that, tenacity and excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Lobbying is about effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders. No matter how impossible it may seem at times, every problem has a solution.

Pitta & Biaone 2023 San Gennaro Feast

Vito Pitta

Co-Managing Member, Pitta Bishop & Del Giorno

Pitta & Biaone 2023 San Gennaro Feast

Vito R. Pitta is the co-managing member of Pitta Bishop & Del Giorno, LLC. On behalf of the firm’s labor union, not-for-profit, M/WBE, and corporate clients, Vito leads in City advocacy before all local government bodies and agencies, including, but not limited to, the Office of the Mayor, Office of the Public Advocate, Office of the Comptroller, and New York City Council. Vito is also co-managing partner at Pitta Bishop’s affiliated law firm, Pitta LLP.

What influenced you to pursue a career in this field?
From a young age, I was regularly exposed to politics, particularly the intersection of labor and politics. My father, co-managing member of our lobbying firm, has been practicing in this field his entire career. Additionally, my paternal grandfather, with whom I spent a lot of time as a child, was the president of the Hotel Trades Council and imparted to me the importance of political action and organized labor. You might say it was inevitable.

Do you have any advice for someone interested in a career in public relations or lobbying?
Although this wasn’t my track, governmental experience is a great way to develop an understanding of the legislative and regulatory processes. It provides unique insight into practical operations of government and helps to quickly develop a network of people in the industry who can provide invaluable advice, mentorship, and other career advancement opportunities. Similarly, becoming active in campaigns of candidates for elective office is an effective way to make connections with others in the industry.

What skills do you think are most useful to succeed in this industry?
As a lobbyist, you are called on to be a problem solver. Effectively, you must be able to identify and frame problems, craft solutions, and persuade government officials to adopt those solutions. This requires strong analytical skills, interpersonal skills, and communication skills. Furthermore, this is a relationship business. Ultimately, having social intelligence and the ability to maintain relationships with clients, government officials, and interest groups will define your success.

Pythia Public Affairs

Alexis Grenell- Pythia Public

Alexis Grenell

Co-Founder, Pythia Public Affairs

Alexis Grenell- Pythia Public

Alexis Grenell is the co-founder of Pythia Public Affairs. Some of her recent wins include the Adult Survivors Act, the All Electric Buildings Act, and Ranked Choice Voting in New York City. She’s worked on numerous political campaigns, including Brad Lander’s bid for NYC comptroller, and Zephyr Teachout’s campaign for attorney general. Alexis is also a columnist for The Nation. She has an MPA from Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

What influenced you to pursue a career in this field?
Insatiable curiosity

Do you have any advice for someone interested in a career in public relations or lobbying?
Do the work because you’re a zealot for the issues. Power is a means to an end, not the goal itself.

What skills do you think are most useful to succeed in this industry?
Independence, creativity, and strong analytic and critical thinking skills are the most useful. Groupthink tends to breed regression toward the mean. Learn what you don’t know, and learn to discern those who don’t know what they’re talking about from those who do.


Evan Thies

Co-Founder, Pythia Public Affairs


As one of the leading public affairs consultants in New York, Evan Thies has used his two decades of political, press and government experience to win big elections, secure landmark improvements to public policy and advance the goals of private companies. He was also lead consultant to Eric Adams’ historic campaign for mayor, heading up communications and policy. The firm Evan co-founded, Pythia Public Affairs, represents pioneering non-profits, Fortune 500 companies and candidates for office.

What influenced you to pursue a career in this field?
My grandparents. Both were public officials who committed their lives to public service—and they showed me how much hard work and virtuous leadership can change our world for the better.

Do you have any advice for someone interested in a career in public relations or lobbying?
Join a campaign or join a local government office—or both.

What skills do you think are most useful to succeed in this industry?
The ability to work hard and think critically are always important. But it is particularly important in government and politics to keep learning and never let ego get in the way of the result, no matter how long you have been working in the field. The problems we face are often too big and too complicated for one person to solve. It takes a team and putting many heads together to get a win.

Red Horse Strategies

Doug Forand-Red Horse Strategies

Doug Forand

Senior Partner, Red Horse Strategies

Doug Forand-Red Horse Strategies

One of Red Horse’s founding partners, Doug brings over three decades of campaign experience to RHS’s clients. He oversaw the campaign to return Democrats to the State Senate majority for the first time in 40 years as executive director of the NYS DSCC. He also served as assistant state comptroller and worked extensively for progressive non-profits including the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG); Citizens Trade Campaign; and The Arc of the United States.

What influenced you to pursue a career in this field?
I initially started organizing around environmental issues with NYPIRG, then found opportunities in electoral campaign work. I found that I enjoyed both and pursued organizing and issue advocacy as a career.

Do you have any advice for someone interested in a career in public relations or lobbying?
You build your reputation by outperforming expectations, so don’t be afraid to take on challenging campaigns that do not show an obvious and easy path to victory. Always remember that this is a relationship-driven field, the people that you work with in your 20s will still be in the field when you are 50, so maintain relationships and expect that whomever you work with or against, you will cross paths again in your future.

What skills do you think are most useful to succeed in this industry?
Creativity, sisu-level persistence, and a thick skin are the most important skills you should develop to succeed in this industry.

Nathan Smith- Red Horse

Nathan Smith

Partner, Red Horse Strategies

Nathan Smith- Red Horse

Born and raised in Florida, Nathan Smith has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to developing innovative organizing and messaging strategies for progressive causes, candidates and campaigns. As a founding partner of Red Horse Strategies, Nathan has worked to elect dozens of elected officials including New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Democratic National Committee Vice Chair and Congresswoman Grace Meng, Congressman Gregory Meeks and former NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio.

What influenced you to pursue a career in this field?
As an organizer it became clear to me that political and message campaigns were divorced from the realities and choices communities face on the ground. I wanted to help bridge that gap to ensure that communities’ true voices were reflected in electoral politics and beyond.

Do you have any advice for someone interested in a career in public relations or lobbying?
Start as an organizer, learn communities, develop listening skills, and work harder than anyone else.

What skills do you think are most useful to succeed in this industry?
Honesty, listening, confidence, emotional discipline, and a capacity for the joy of victory and the heartbreak of loss.