Danielle Holahan was named executive director of New York State of Health, the state’s official health plan marketplace, in October 2021. Ms. Holahan has over 25 years of health policy experience at both the state and federal level, making her well-qualified to oversee one of most successful health care marketplaces in the country. NY State of Health enrolls over 6.3 million people, and it has played a critical role in decreasing the number of uninsured New Yorkers. As executive director, Ms. Holahan works to ensure that all New Yorkers can access affordable, quality health care.

YuLing Koh Hsu
Co-Director, Campaign for New York Health

YuLing Koh Hsu uses she or they pronouns and lives on Canarsie and Munsee Lenape land colonized as Brooklyn NYC. She is a Taiwanese-American daughter of immigrants. She came to New York for college, worked in newspapers, restaurants and flowers. She became radicalized around single-payer healthcare as a racial and economic justice issue. She is currently Co-Director of the Campaign for NY Health and is on the New York State Poor People’s Campaign’s Coordinating Committee.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Working with a growing beautiful movement for collective liberation.
What is your favorite form of exercise?
Dancing (both solo and with friends!)
Do you have a favorite healthy meal?

Karen Ignagni
President and Chief Executive Officer, EmblemHealth

Karen Ignagni serves as president and CEO of the EmblemHealth family of companies, a collection of health and wellness companies including health plans, medical practices, and digital wellness solutions. Before joining EmblemHealth in 2015, Ms. Ignagni was president and CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans. Ms. Ignagni also directed AFL-CIO’s Department of Employee Benefits, was a professional staff member on the U.S. Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, and worked at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Working everyday with our fantastic team and enabling them to do their best work to serve our members, patients, and communities.
What is your favorite form of exercise?
I run outside and do barre at home.
Do you have a favorite meal?
My favorite meal is anything with olive oil and garlic in honor of my Italian heritage, and I never say no to a great cup of coffee.
Pat Kane
Executive Director, New York State Nurses Association
After serving as treasurer for the New York State Nurses Association, Pat Kane was unanimously selected as executive director of the union in December 2019. In her leadership positions, Ms. Kane has empowered the union’s tens of thousands of members to bargain for safe staffing and universal health care. She has also been an outspoken supporter of climate justice, and has raised awareness about the role of social and environmental factors in determining health outcomes.

Stuart D. Katz
Director, NYU Langone Health Heart Failure Program

Dr. Stuart D. Katz is the Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel Professor of Advanced Cardiac Therapeutics in the Leon H. Charney Division of Cardiology at NYU Langone Health and Principal Investigator for the NYU Clinical Science Core of the RECOVER initiative, the nation’s largest study of long-COVID funded by the National Institutes of Health. The RECOVER initiative will enroll tens of thousands of children and adults from all 50 states to better understand the causes of long COVID and to develop new approaches for diagnosis and treatment.

Mitchell Katz
President and Chief Executive Officer, New York City Health + Hospitals

Mitchell Katz, M.D., was appointed president and CEO of NYC Health + Hospitals in January 2018. Dr. Katz transformed the public health care system by expanding access to primary care, reducing administrative costs, investing in more front-line clinical staff, and building financial stability. Dr. Katz set the groundwork for the public health care system to lead the City’s COVID-19 response, and helped launch NYC Care, a health care access program for New Yorkers who aren’t eligible for or cannot afford health insurance.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Being a primary care doctor is the most rewarding part of my job. When I fix an administrative problem that makes it easier for our staff and providers to do their job or develop a new service that improves care for our patients is when I feel the most fulfilled.
What is your favorite form of exercise?
I am an avid bicycle commuter. I bike to the office daily and to NYC Health + Hospitals/Gotham Health Gouverneur to see my patients. It’s a 4-in-1 win. I shrink my carbon footprint, I support other bicyclists (the more bicyclists on the street the safer it is), I get exercise, and it’s faster!
Do you have a favorite healthy meal?
I don’t eat meat; nothing beats an Asian bowl of noodles with tofu or fish.

Carolyn Kerr
Partner, Brown and Weinraub PLLC

Carolyn leads Brown and Weinraub’s health care practice, which has grown to over 70 health clients including providers, payers, health policy groups, behavioral health and substance use disorder groups, long-term care providers, and start-ups. Carolyn joined the firm after serving as vice president for government affairs at UnitedHealth Group (NY). Prior to that, she served in the Office of Counsel to the Governor and in the General Counsel’s Office for the U.S. House of Representatives.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Our health care clients are diverse, but each is passionate about their mission, whether it is innovation, expanding access, addressing health disparities, or improving quality. They are inspiring. And our team at BW is exceptional and great to work with!
What is your favorite form of exercise?
I live across the street from the Mohawk-Hudson bike path, and I am out there walking with my dog or running every day.
Do you have a favorite healthy meal?
Grilled fish and salad are a go-to meal.

Todd Latz
Chief Executive Officer, GoHealth Urgent Care

Todd Latz is the CEO of GoHealth Urgent Care, an award-winning, technology-enabled, consumer focused on-demand care model that is deeply integrated across the entire continuum of care through its joint ventures with prominent health systems. Todd and his team have grown GoHealth to 170+ on-demand care centers across 12 states over the past seven years, including a robust virtual platform and more than 50 centers across the New York market with their dynamic partner, Northwell Health.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Supporting amazing caregivers who deliver unparalleled experiences to thousands and thousands of health care consumers each and every day.
What is your favorite form of exercise?
Do you have a favorite healthy meal?
Grilled shrimp and vegetables.

Mark Levine
Chair, New York City Council Health Committee

In addition to serving as chair of the New York City Council Committee on Health, Councilmember Levine works tirelessly to implement progressive policies related to housing, education, economic justice, and environmentalism. Even before being elected to the City Council, Mr. Levine has long pursued programs that would result in greater equity. He founded the Neighborhood Trust Federal Credit Union to provide financial services to underserved communities, and also served as executive director of Teach for America New York.

Glenn Liebman
Chief Executive Officer, Mental Health Association in New York State

Glenn Liebman has been CEO of the Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc., since 2004. MHANYS is a member-driven organization working with affiliates across New York to educate the public about mental wellness while advocating to improve the mental health system and reduce stigma around mental health. During Mr. Liebman’s tenure, multiple initiatives have been implemented, including mental health education in school (NYS being the first in the nation to mandate this). He lives with his wife and son in Albany, New York.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Twofold: Watching the work we do translate into helping people with mental health issues recover and working alongside such a talented and committed group of people.
What is your favorite form of exercise?
My wife and I love to walk our dog. I also recently completed my first mountain hike in over forty years.
Do you have a favorite healthy meal?
Tuna fish on whole wheat with lettuce and limited mayo (been a staple for years).