For over 10 years, Minda has created effective public affairs campaigns for clients in various industries, including energy, finance, and bioscience. Before coming to J Strategies, Minda served under the former Governor of NY and worked for U.S. Senator Charles Schumer as deputy regional director in Central New York. She has experience working on numerous city, state, and federal political campaigns. Minda holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and public communications from Syracuse University.
What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
Always make a plan! By laying out a full plan of attack and implementing a few basic processes, new projects will feel less daunting. I’m constantly juggling multiple clients, issue areas, and types of work. Planning ensures I’m on track, helps me stay organized, allows space for creativity, and keeps me always delivering for my clients.
Is there something you wish you knew before starting your career in this industry?
Just how important emotional intelligence is! The old mantra, “If you’re smart and you work hard, you’ll be successful,” is definitely not true in this industry. The most successful people have high IQs and high EQs. They are able to use their analytical skills, logic, and memory, coupled with self-awareness, motivation, and consistency, to lead and achieve results.
What is one thing you hope to accomplish in 2024?
Continue to deliver creative, impactful results for my clients