The Bronx Bronx electeds, immigrant rights groups show disappointment over Trump victory By Emily Swanson
The Bronx BP Gibson touts strong economic recovery, plenty of Bronx pride in State of the Borough address By Emily Swanson
The Bronx Mayor Adams announces $77M plan to boost city’s electric school bus fleet, build nation’s first truck charging depot in Hunts Point By Steven Goodstein
The Bronx Campaign finance records open the door for Salamanca’s potential 2025 Bronx BP bid By Camille Botello
The Bronx With one teen currently serving, young people encouraged to apply to community boards By Aliya Schneider
The Bronx Ferrara elected first female CB11 chair as she prepares to primary Velázquez By Aliya Schneider
Politics SERIES | Her Team: Beep’s comms director credits trajectory to Gibson’s belief in young people By Aliya Schneider
Politics From crisis to crisis, Bronx beep Gibson details a ‘challenging’ first month in office By Robbie Sequeira
The Bronx SERIES | Her Team: Gibson’s chief of staff is bringing the flair to borough president’s office By Aliya Schneider
Bronx Times Photos: Free laptops given to 58 Bronx teens, courtesy of YMCA of Greater New York and AT&T