Tense moments in Jackson Heights as electeds, community leaders ‘rally against hate’ at Drag Story Hour


In response to a troubling surge of anti-drag and anti-LGBTQ harassment across the city in recent months, Jackson Heights elected officials led a community rally on Friday, Oct. 28, to show solidarity for Drag Story Hour and the Queens Public Library.

In September, protesters shouted homophobic epithets at drag performers at a reading at Elmhurst Library and allegedly defaced the district office of Councilman Shekar Krishnan.

“We have seen four incidents of hate and homophobia in our community in recent weeks, including one at my own office,” Krishnan said. “Our neighbors are being targeted and we won’t stand for it. Here in Jackson Heights, we show our children to stand up for each other; we teach them that all are loved. We are proud to support the beautiful storytellers of Drag Story Hour because their love and joy will always drown out the hate.”