Housing group Open New York ‘unlikely’ to endorse Velázquez again over Bruckner rezoning stance


City Councilmember Marjorie Velázquez may be risking an endorsement from housing advocacy group Open New York in the 2023 election for her stance against the proposed Bruckner Boulevard rezoning.

Members of the pro-housing group have shown up at public hearings and rallies in support of the four-site rezoning plan, which would bring 349 apartment units, 168 of which would be affordable, along with 22 units for veterans who would not have to pay rent. Some of those advocates campaigned for Velázquez, who they branded as a “housing champion” during her 2021 campaign. The group’s December 2020 endorsement of Velázquez was welcomed by the pol, yet the group has found the city lawmaker to be at odds with its objectives as she maintains a position against the proposal, in line with vocal area residents.