Op-ed | Working people at the helm this Labor Day


On this Labor Day in the Big Apple, working people in New York City can enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Labor Day is America’s tribute to workers in the form of a three-day weekend. This day was hard fought and won by organized labor as we led the effort to recognize the enormous economic contributions of people who work. Labor Day was a game changer for the working people’s movement and declared a federal holiday in 1894.

Today, we find ourselves once again in a workplace revolution. As the Great Resignation continues to shift people throughout the workforce, creating costly turnover and staffing shortages, it has become abundantly apparent that employers must recognize workers’ dignity and changing needs. As our economy continues to recover from the pandemic, significant challenges in the workplace remain. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2021 more than 47 million Americans voluntarily quit their jobs — an unprecedented mass exit from the workforce, reflecting workers’ new demands for respect and improvements in their treatment by employers.