Meeks announces passage of his two bills to promote racial and economic justice

U.S. Rep. Gregory W. Meeks (D-Queens), senior member of the House Committee on Financial Services, yesterday released a statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2543, the Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act, which included his two bills, the Improving Corporate Governance Through Diversity Act and, the Ensuring Diversity in Community Banking Act.
“H.R. 2543 brings this country one step closer to closing the wealth gap and addressing critical barriers in our financial systems that disproportionately impact communities of color and underbanked communities. My bill, the Improving Corporate Governance Through Diversity Act, requires public companies to disclose the gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and veteran status of their board directors, nominees, and senior executive officers. Workplaces should reflect the rich diversity within America, and our boardrooms are no exception. Data disclosing diversity is crucial for investors as well, as they are increasingly basing their decisions on whether the companies they choose to invest in reflect their ideals and values,” said Meeks.
“Additionally, my bill the Ensuring Diversity in Community Banking Act was also included in this monumental package, and works to support and enhance minority depository institutions (MDIs) and credit unions in under-banked communities. MDIs and credit unions continue to grow scarce and supporting these crucial lifelines is of the utmost importance to ensuring their longevity and success. My bill will strengthen MDIs and “impact banks” that predominantly serve low-income communities through partnerships and critical capital investments,” he added.
Hudson to introduce legislation to increase NYPD transparency & bolster affordable housing

City Council Member Crystal Hudson (D-Brooklyn) today will introduce legislation at the City Council Stated Meeting that will offer greater oversight of the NYPD and support affordable housing across the five boroughs.
Hudson’s three bills work to address long-standing issues facing New Yorkers. The first bill will increase police transparency by mandating the NYPD regularly provide data on New Yorkers who do not consent to police searches. It includes language to require reporting on denials of forensic sample collection and the use of interpretation services. Using this data, advocates and lawmakers can identify which populations may be unaware of their rights during a police stop and bolster City resources aimed at informing those populations of their rights.
This package also supports tenants seeking affordable housing by providing minimum standards and greater transparency for the lottery process while also requiring the City to study how to better preserve rent-stabilized housing.
“The introduction of these bills are vital components to making our City stronger and healthier,” said Hudson. “The proposed legislation will serve as yet another meaningful and tangible step toward curbing the routine and deeply ingrained culture of abuse within the NYPD, work to build a more accessible and transparent affordable housing lottery system, and increase incentives to maintain and augment rent-stabilized apartments across the City, protecting hundreds of thousands of tenants across the five boroughs.
“We’re addressing issues that have long affected many of our most vulnerable neighbors with solutions that will deliver immediate results and change how we approach housing and public safety. We can’t afford to lose sight of our objective to make our City more just, equitable, and compassionate. And as these bills move through their respective committees it is critical we recognize the gravity of the moment and understand what it demands of us — to deliver for our communities. The alternative is not an option.”
Malliotakis Announces Winners of 2022 Congressional Art Competition

U.S. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-Staten Island, Brooklyn) yesterday announced Staten Island resident Vienna Du who attends Susan E. Wagner High School has won the 2022 Congressional Art Competition for New York’s 11th Congressional District.
Du’s piece, entitled ‘Resilience,’ will be displayed in the Capitol for one year alongside the winners from each Congressional District.
The runner-up for this year’s competition, Bay Ridge resident Leo Cheng who attends The Brooklyn Latin School, will have his piece ‘The Hidden Hero,’ displayed in Malliotakis’ Brooklyn office for one year.
“I was proud to congratulate both Vienna and Leo for winning this year’s Congressional Art Competition,” said Malliotakis. “Both students are extremely talented and well-deserving of this honor. Both paintings tell unique stories of strength, resilience, and hopefulness for the future. I’m delighted they chose to share their talents with us and I look forward to celebrating their achievements this fall.”
Gianaris inducts Pedro Nieves into NY Senate Veterans Hall of Fame

Senate Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris (D-Queens) this week marked Flag Day by inducting Pedro Nieves, a local Queens veteran, into the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame.
Mr. Nieves and his wife Betty are active participants in Sunnyside Community Services’ senior programs, where the award was presented. Mr. Nieves served in the famous 65th Infantry Regiment, known as the “Borinqueneers”, an all-Puerto Rican regiment that fought in the Korean War and was later awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.
“Pedro Nieves served our community and our country and it is an honor to know him,” said Gianaris. “To be joined by four generations of his family and his friends at Sunnyside Community Services was a truly special occasion. All of New York salutes Pedro Nieves.”
The New York State Senate Veterans’ Hall of Fame was created to honor and recognize outstanding veterans from the Empire State who have distinguished themselves both in military and civilian life. Their meritorious service to our nation deserves the special recognition that only a Hall of Fame can provide, as a fitting expression of our gratitude and admiration.
Maloney to host roundtable on importance of teaching LGBTQ+ and women’s history in the Classroom

U.S. Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn) tomorrow will host a roundtable at the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College on the importance of teaching LGBTQ+ and women’s history in the classroom.
According to the New-York Historical Society Museum & Library, only 13 percent of named historical figures in textbooks across the United States are women. LGBTQ+ history is rarely taught in schools, and some states have passed laws to prevent teachers from administering instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom.
The roundtable is slated for 3:30 p.m., Friday, June 17 at the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College, 47-49 East 65th Street in Manhattan.