Colton Informs About Vaccine Distribution

Assemblyman William Colton (D – Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, and Dyker Heights) informs the community that Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has announced vaccination distribution for the group, 1B which started on Monday, January 11.
Phase 1B includes essential workers such as first responders (Firefighters, Police, Public Safety Workers, Public Transit Workers, Education Workers, and people age 75 and older.
“I believe that this is a step forward in the fight against COVID-19. Anyone who is interested can start making appointments now to receive the vaccine. Appointments are required and can be made online by visiting the vaccine site locator website or by calling 311 and ask to make a vaccine appointment. In addition, the Coney Island Hospital location already is up and running. Abraham Lincoln High School will be a vaccine center, run by the NYC Department of Health starting on January 16th,” Colton stated.
“Also, I call for a simplification of the application process for the vaccine. In addition, NY needs the Federal Government to make more vaccine doses more quickly so all who want to be vaccinated can do so as soon as possible,” Colton said.
“If you need help in scheduling your vaccine appointment or have any questions or concerns, then feel free to contact my office at 718-236-1598 or email for more information,” Colton added.
Gillibrand Re-Ups Fight for Federal Aid

U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand announced the upcoming introduction of a bill to provide local governments with direct federal relief that can be used to pay for essential services, retain vital frontline workers, and offset lost revenues and increased costs from the COVID-19 emergency.
Gillibrand will reintroduce the Direct Support For Communities Act in the new Congress to deliver urgently needed relief for communities across New York State as part of a broader state and local fiscal relief fund. The bill would deliver resources to support essential services, and offset lost revenues and increased costs from the COVID-19 pandemic, as part of an overall pot of assistance for state and local fiscal relief.
“At a time when more people are in need, our state and local governments are in critical need of resources to help citizens. Instead, they have had no choice but to lay off workers and cut essential services, and will soon be forced to raise local taxes. The federal government must deliver relief to close this gap,” said Gillibrand. “Passing another coronavirus stimulus package will be a priority for the new Democratic Senate majority and the Direct Support For Communities Act should serve as the baseline for funding to help state and local governments recover. I’m proud to work alongside Leader Schumer as we fight to finally deliver this relief.”
Schumer Demands Justice for Capitol Storming

U.S. Senator Charles Schumer demanded the feds place individuals who illegally entered and stormed the U.S. Capitol on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) ‘NO FLY’ list in order to contain possible future threats.
Schumer said many who breached the Capitol—thugs, marauders and domestic terrorists meet the criteria to be placed on the federal security list as ‘threats to the homeland’ and that many remain at-large. Schumer said adding these individuals to the list, ahead of the inauguration of President-Elect Joe Biden on January 20th, makes sense given continued threats of violence across online mediums and the federal government’s own concerns.
“We know that many in the violent mob who illegally stormed and breached the Capitol just days ago traveled from afar, and some of these individuals were later arrested at airports when they landed—far from Washington,” said Schumer. “Amid continued threats of future violence across online medium and the federal government’s own concerns, we cannot allow these same insurrectionists or others possibly planning future acts for the inauguration to simply hop a flight. These individuals are threats to the homeland as defined by the law and must face consequences for their actions.”
Nadler Releases Staff Report on Impeachment

U.S. Rep. and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-Brooklyn, Manhattan) yesterday released a majority staff report for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.
The report details the history, purpose and meaning of the Constitution’s Impeachment Clause, and establishes that President Trump’s conduct as set forth in the Article of Impeachment satisfies the standard for high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
The majority staff of the House Judiciary Committee have prepared today’s report for the use of the House Rules Committee to accompany H. RES. 24, Impeaching Donald John Trump, President of the United States, For High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Below is an excerpt from the report:
“In the words of Vice President Pence, the ‘Presidency belongs to the American people, and to them alone.’ President Trump has falsely asserted he won the 2020 presidential election and repeatedly sought to overturn the results of the election. As his efforts failed again and again, President Trump continued a parallel course of conduct that foreseeably resulted in the imminent lawless actions of his supporters, who attacked the Capitol and the Congress. This course of conduct, viewed within the context of his past actions and other attempts to subvert the presidential election, demonstrate that President Trump remains a clear and present danger to the Constitution and our democracy.
“The House must reject this outrageous attempt to overturn the election and this incitement of violence by a sitting president against his own government. President Trump committed a high Crime and Misdemeanor against the Nation by inciting an insurrection at the Capitol in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. The facts establish that he is unfit to remain in office a single day longer and warrant the immediate impeachment of President Trump.”