Maloney Endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund

Earlier this week, Planned Parenthood Action Fund endorsed Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens) for Congress in the 2020 election cycle.
Last month, Maloney held a hearing on the practices that some states were proposing to make abortion less accessible. In 2012, during an all-male panel on contraception, she asked the following armor-piercing question: “Where are the women?”
“I’m honored by this endorsement from Planned Parenthood Action Fund,” said Maloney. “Planned Parenthood does incredible work – without them, millions of our nation’s most vulnerable would not have access to a full range of reproductive healthcare, including abortion. Planned Parenthood’s importance in defending the right to choose cannot be overstated.”
De Blasio Announces Commercial Cargo Bike Program to Reduce Delivery Congestion

Yesterday, Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced that the City will launch an initiative to encourage freight companies to reduce traffic congestion via the use of cargo bicycles.
The Commercial Cargo Bike Program, which will be enacted just in time for the holiday season, will bring an estimated 100 cargo bikes from major delivery companies to the City’s most crowded streets in Manhattan.
“New Yorkers demand immediate results – whether that’s getting a package delivered or getting around the city,” said de Blasio. “This is an exciting new program that will help cut congestion on our streets and speed up deliveries, all while reducing vehicle emissions.”
Chin to Announce Opening of New NORC Program to Serve Confucius Plaza Seniors

Tomorrow, Council Member Margaret Chin (D-Battery Park City, Chinatown) will unveil a new Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) program at Confucius Plaza.
A NORC is a community that has a high percentage of residents aged 60 or older – and Confucius Plaza is a prime example of such. A NORC program will provide the residents with long term care and services to the community’s many seniors.
The event will take place on Friday, Dec. 6 at 4:30 p.m. at Confucius Plaza, 33 Bowery.