Rose Calls For Action To Prevent Deportation of Liberian Residents

Congressman Max Rose (D-South Brooklyn, Staten Island) called on the Trump Administration this week to extend the Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) program to prevent thousands of Liberians living lawfully in the United States from imminent deportation.
The West African nation of Liberia, which was founded as a colony in 1822 by freed slaves from the United States, was plagued by two brutal and deadly civil wars in 1989 and 1999-2003 and more recently by a major Ebola outbreak from 2014 to 2016.
As part of its humanitarian response, the United States offered certain Liberians an opportunity to live, work, and pay taxes in the United States under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and/or Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) systems. Programs extended by both Republican and Democratic administrations beginning in 1991. However, last year, President Trump terminated DED for Liberian beneficiaries, setting up a March 31, 2019 deadline.
“We write to strongly urge you to reinstate Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for Liberians,” wrote 50 Members of Congress, including Rose, in a letter to President Donald Trump. “We ask that you take this action immediately in order to prevent anxiety and legal uncertainty within our Liberian-American communities.”
“We believe that it is in the strategic national security, foreign policy, and humanitarian interest of the United States for this population to remain in the United States. Moreover, for more than a quarter of a century the United States has been home to law-abiding and taxpaying Liberians. They have worked hard, played by the rules, and submitted to rigorous vetting. Uprooting them now would be cruel and harmful to them, their families, and employers. We therefore respectfully and urgently request that you reinstate DED for Liberians,” concluded the letter.
Gounardes Applauds Passage of Gun Safety Legislation

State Senator Andrew Gounardes (D-Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst, Marine Park, Gerritsen Beach, Gravesend) yesterday applauded passage of two critical bills aimed at curbing gun deaths in the State of New York.
On Monday, the Senate Democratic Majority passed legislation, S.2450-A & S.35, that will create stronger regulations for the safe storage of firearms and the appearances of imitation weapons to prevent unintentional gun violence.
The first measure, S.2450A, sponsored by Senator Liz Krueger, will establish penalties for anyone who has a child under 16 in their home and who doesn’t properly store any firearm or render it incapable of being fired by using an appropriate gun-locking device.
The second measure, Senate Bill S.35, sponsored by Senator Brad Hoylman, will require that imitation weapons must be entirely brightly colored or be constructed entirely of transparent or translucent materials, and be manufactured with other identifying features. When signed by the Governor, the bills will further enhance the aggressive package of gun safety reforms passed by the Senate in recent weeks.
“These bills aren’t about ideology. They’re about saving lives. Nearly two million children in the United States live with unlocked, loaded guns. Imitation weapons have become so lifelike that more and more are being mistaken for the real thing by law enforcement and the public,” said Gounardes.
“Requiring gun owners to securely lock their devices with approved storage devices and manufactures to brightly color imitation weapons will measurably reduce gun related deaths and fulfill our promise to keep New Yorkers safe,” added Gounardes.
Espinal Applauds Mayor Signing of Basement Dwelling Legalization Bill

City Council member Rafael Espinal (D-Bushwick, East New York) alongside colleagues, advocates and community members joined Mayor Bill de Blasio yesterday to sign legislation that will launch a basement legalization pilot program in Brooklyn Community Board 5, in the neighborhood of East New York.
This legislation seeks to take a significant step in spurring basement apartment creation through a pilot program in East New York, which will help homeowners renting out their basements bring them up to code, helping them create legal dwellings that increase housing stock while providing much-needed income to homeowners.
The basement legalization pilot program is the result of a study conducted by a working group led by Espinal, first convened in October 2016 to examine the issue and make proposals to inform the creation of the pilot program.
The program will feature a non-profit who will conduct outreach to eligible 1 to 2-unit homeowners and offers a low-interest loan structure wherein homeowners must maintain affordable rents in their basement as a condition for the retrofit. On Feb.1, 2018, the Mayor announced that $5.7 million would be allocated to start a basement pilot program in East New York.
“I am grateful to the coalition of partners that came together to combat the affordability crisis we face in the city with innovative ideas rooted in community needs. With foreclosures on the rise, programs like this give New Yorkers the additional income they need to keep their homes. The basement pilot program is going to stabilize the livelihood of many of my neighbors in East New York, while expanding and securing the number of legal, safe, and affordable units available to rent,” said Espinal, who co-sponsored the legislation and represents the district where the pilot program will be taking place.
Wright To Host Homeowners & Tenant Enrollment Event

Assembly member Tremaine Wright (D-Bedford-Stuyvesant, Northern Crown Heights) will host a homeowner and tenant enrollment event today.
The event will give local homeowners an opportunity to apply for an exemption and to lower their property tax bill.
While for tenants, the event will give seniors or individuals with disabilities a chance to apply for a rent freeze through the SCRIE (the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption) or DRIE (Disability Rent Increase Exemption) programs. Representatives from the City’s Department of Finance (DOF) will be on-hand to educate homeowners and tenants about enrolling in various property tax exemptions.
The event is slated for 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., today, March 5, at Restoration Plaza (Multipurpose room), at 1368 Fulton Street in Bedford-Stuyvesant.