Average Man: MWBE Contracting and Trade Associations


MWBE is a term tossed around a lot in New York, in both city and state governments, as each continues its efforts to make inroads to ending disparities in access to government contracting for minorities and women.

But it’s not just direct business-to-government purchasing that has MWBE goals. Agencies that award subsidy, such as for housing and economic development, also attach substantial MWBE goals to each project, and that’s only increased over the years. ESD, HCR, DASNY, HPD, EDC, and other agencies all have MWBE goals that run into the millions on each new development. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that many MWBE firms still struggle with access to capital. Others get shut out because they simply didn’t know about the bid opportunity.

One way to address that is to join a trade association. Our firm is a member of several, but I chose to highlight NYSAMC (the New York State Association of Minority Contractors) because their annual gala is in a few weeks on November 2, 2018.

Trade associations are one of the best ways that MWBE contractors can find out about bid opportunities, as well as learn about access to capital and more.

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