Peralta Call for Renewal and Expansion of School Zone Speed Camera Program before July 25 Expiration

State Sen. Jose Peralta (D-Corona, East Elmhurst, Elmhurst, Jackson Heights, Woodside), advocates and families yesterday called on the state senate yesterday to return to Albany and pass Peralta’s bill (S.6046-C) to renew and expand the school zone speed camera program, which is set to expire on July 25.
The legislation will add 150 speed monitoring device to the current 140 cameras operating under a pilot program the legislature approved in 2013. If Albany does not take action and approve the bill, the speed cameras will go away on July 25.
Under the proposal, 290 speed cameras will operate within a quarter mile from a designated school. The devices will work beginning one hour and running until one hour after a school day. Additionally, the cameras will be operational during students’ activities, and up to 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the activities.
Clearly, the school zone speed camera program has been extremely successful. At locations with cameras, there has been a 63% decline in speeding violations. The vast majority of drivers ticketed, more than 80%, did not receive a second violation. Injuries to pedestrians decrease by 23% at locations where cameras are located.
Last month, the city council passed the home rule request required for the State Legislature to give the green light to approve the bill. Peralta’s bill has currently 34 co-sponsors, including the entire State Democratic Conference, more than enough to pass the bill.
“The school zone speed camera program saved countless of lives, so there is no logical reason to let it expire. We cannot play politics with schoolchildren and New Yorker’s lives, and this is why we must ensure we renew and expand the program. If the Republicans let this initiative expire, kids in summer school will travel to and from school on more dangerous streets. The same will occur when more than one million schoolchildren rerun to school after the summer vacation,” said Peralta.
Van Bramer Hails Special Girl Scout Troop

City Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer (D-Astoria, Long Island City, Sunnyside and Woodside) yesterday hailed the Mayor Bill de Blasio Administration’s announcement that Girl Scout Troop 6000, the first of its kind Girl Scout troop dedicated to serving girls and women in the shelter system, has expanded to 15 shelter facilities for families with children across all five boroughs
Girl Scout Troop 6000 was established in February 2017 through a partnership between the City’s Department of Homeless Services and the Girl Scouts of Greater New York. It currently has more than 500 girls and women now participating in the leadership-and-community-development program.
“Every single girl in the City of New York deserves the opportunity to join a community where they are told that they are welcome, that they belong and that they are loved,” said Van Bramer. “Troop 6000 helps girls have a place where they can feel home even when they are homeless. This program changes lives. I am so happy to have helped create Troop 6000 and am thrilled that it is expanding to serve more young people.”
To contribute to the expansion of Girl Scout Troop 6000, visit:
To contribute to the Girl Scouts of Greater New York, visit:
Dromm Honors Elmhurst Hospital Coronary Care Unit

City Council Member Daniel Dromm (D-East Elmhurst, Elmhurst, Jackson Heights), chair of the Finance Committee, today will honor Elmhurst Hospital’s renowned Coronary Care Unit (part of the NYC Health + Hospitals system) for providing life-saving services to Queens residents.
Dromm helped secure $4 million in contributing to the Coronary Care Unit establishment during his first term as a council member.
Recently, Ms. Dana Cotton, a Queens human rights activist notified Dromm that on January 10, 2018, her husband Byron Cotton collapsed in the shower in sudden cardiac arrest brought on by a clogged artery. After receiving CPR and other life-sustaining care from Ms. Cotton and FDNY emergency medical technicians, Mr. Cotton was rushed to the Coronary Care Unit’s cardiac catheterization lab to clear his arteries. His life was saved thanks to the expert care he received. He was discharged from the hospital three days later.
In a special event, Dromm will tour the Coronary Care Unit. The event is slated for 2 p.m., today, July 13 at Elmhurst Hospital, 79-01 Broadway, 8th Floor, D8-03 Conference Room in Elmhurst.
Avella Calls on Department of Consumer Affairs to Enforce Their Own Regulations

State Sen. Tony Avella (D-College Point, Whitestone, Bayside, Flushing, Jamaica Estates, Fresh Meadows, Bellerose, Floral Park, Jamaica, Douglaston, Little Neck, Auburndale, Kissena Park, Briarwood) today will call on the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) to take action against a contractor that had his DCA license revoked in 2013 yet continues to build.
After investigating this contractor, Avella discovered his license was revoked in 2013 yet DCA has continually said they have done all they could do in enforcing their regulations. Avella discovered that, in fact, DCA could take more action – they just don’t.
Avella has referred this matter to the Queens District Attorney to investigate the contractor for operating without a license.
Avella will shed further light on the issue at 1:30 p.m., today, July 13 at his district office, 38-50 Bell Boulevard, Suite C in Bayside.