Industry City is not only the best place to watch the World Cup in Brooklyn, it is also the place where the world comes to Brooklyn.
That was my thought when an Englishman, and huge Manchester United fan, sitting across the table from me at Industry City’s Food Court explained the intricacies of soccer (or football as it is known to the rest of the world) as we watched Croatia unexpectedly take it to Argentina and win 3-0 last Thursday.
I decided to make Industry City my World Cup viewing home after landing on the IC mailing list and finding out they had several viewing locations and options to watch the tournament held every four years and which runs through July 15 this year. This includes a large screen at The Frying Pan Helm Bar, two large screens in the center of the food court and even larger screens in the courtyards between Buildings 1 and 2, and 5 and 6 on weekends.

Located on the Sunset Park waterfront, the 38-acre, 16-industrial building site is the largest privately owned industrial complex in New York City. It is also a peek into the innovative future economic development ecosystem where a diverse tenant mix fuses today’s burgeoning innovation economy with traditional manufacturing and artisanal craft.
Adding to Industry City’s unique mix is it has an eclectic food court where one can find everything from Avocaderia, a all-avocado restaurant with toasts, smoothies, salads to burgers to Asian fusion to desserts.
Industry City has also proved to be a real economic boost to both Sunset Park’s waterfront and the city at-large with on-site employment tripling with 1,900 jobs in 2013 to more than 7,000 jobs today working at about 450 companies—ranging from one of the oldest manufacturing companies in the city to garment, furniture and food manufacturers, tech entrepreneurs, designers, film and media production companies, and other innovation economy employers.
But for this sport’s nut who loves the passion and play of World Cup Soccer, Industry City is the place to be. A destination where one can bring the non-sports fans family, who can bide themselves with recreational areas in the courtyards between the buildings while one can watch the games.
And for the young sports fans, there is also a Super Soccer Stars Kids Clinic for children ages 3-12 for skills, drills, and games while everyone watches the biggest matches – all for free.
Such was the case Sunday, when Germany beat Sweden, 2-1, in a nail biter with the winning goal scored in extra time. The fact that the game took place on the same day where thousands turned out for Industry City’s Green City beer festival featuring 40+ breweries only added to the festivities.

As much as I enjoyed watching the game, though, it was after the sporting contest when I visited the touring M.C. Escher exhibition that most impressed me.
Escher’s artwork was highly influential to me in my high school years and his intersection between art, mathematics, science and poetry, particularly in his lithographs, keeps his work relevant to this day. as one of the world’s great artists through the ages.
The interactive exhibition alone, which runs through February 3, 1919, is worth a trip to Industry City.
For more information on the World Cup Soccer Schedule of events click here. For more general information on Industry City click here.