Last week Maimonides Medical Center hosted its Fourth Annual Evening of Research at Dyker Beach Golf Club last week.
The annual event honors and celebrates the many achievements in research made by the hospital’s Residents, Fellows and Nurses, as they distinguish themselves within the overall culture of research at Maimonides Medical Center.
“Research is a critical part of any high quality health system in providing great care, research is part of our mission statement and part of who we are. As Maimonides the approach here is that there is diversity and a sense of team work,” said Maimonides President & CEO Kenneth Gibbs

This year’s event featured poster presentations and oral abstract presentations in the following topics: “Sleep Deprivation and Work Intensity: Correlation with Cognition, Manual Dexterity and Psychological Wellbeing”; “Speaking Up: It Takes Trust and Just Culture”; and “Comparison of Standard versus Radial Specific Catheters in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography.”
“Maimonides strategy is built on teamwork and partnership, those are the themes we use to address challenges in the larger environment. We do that internally with how we approach care but we also do that throughout the borough of Brooklyn. We should all stand proud today with these projects and how they are part of an institution standing tall throughout the borough. When we are our best, we are a team” added Gibbs.
One of the nights featured studies, “Speaking Up: It Takes Trust and Just Culture,” by Nurse Linda Paradiso, explored the culture of safety between nurse leaders and direct care nurses and the impact this reporting can have on patient care incidents and near misses.
The results of the study showed that there is a “statistically significant difference between the direct care nurses and nurse leaders’ perceptions of trust and Just Culture within the organization.” However, Paradiso concluded that balance and fair accountability can be reached through a shared understanding of trust.
Another of the nights interesting research topics was by Resident of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Chima Ndubizu, who looked at the relationship between sleep deprivation and work intensity and its impact on cognition, manual dexterity and psychological well being. The results of the research proved that there actually is no correlation between sleep deprivation and work intensity on cognition and psychological well being.
Other presenters included Dr. Sunny Goel, Fellow of the Cardiology Department who presented “Comparison of Standard versus Radial Specific Catheters in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography;” Dr. Phyllis Huang who presented “relocation of Blood Gas Laboratory to the Emergency Department Helps Decrease Lactic Acid Values;” and Pharmacological Doctor Elaine Wong who presented “The Impact of an Institution-Specific Adult Inpatient Hyperglycemia Guideline at Maimonides Medical Center.”
Faculty, attending physicians, residents, fellows, and nurses conducting research at Maimonides design and conduct research studies that seek to contribute to generalizable knowledge about optimizing clinical care delivery and patient outcomes; evaluating the efficacy of drugs, devices, procedures or diagnostic tests; and assessing various approaches to improving quality and cost efficiency of care.
Currently, there are more than 350 active research studies ongoing at Maimonides.