Following a highly successful fundraiser, Brownsville Democratic District Leader Anthony Jones let it be known that Assemblywoman Latrice Walker and City Councilwoman Alick Ampry-Samuel need to be more inclusive and transparent when it comes to politics in Brownsville.

As such, he is whole heartedly endorsing Shemene Monique Minter as his female Democratic Leader counterpart for the district. Minter is also the president of Jones’ club, the Community 1st Democratic Club.
“I’m supporting Shemene because she’s very loyal to not just me, but committed to the community. I’m not supportive of anyone that holds more than one seat. There has to be transparency. No person in our community should hold two seats,” said Jones. “I anticipate Alicka Samuel running. She’s a former district leader, and she wants to neutralize me and take the male district seat.”
The split in ranks comes as current female district leader and former City Councilwoman Darlene Mealey appears vulnerable, and Walker and Ampry-Samuel are very close, with Ampry-Samuel once serving as Walker’s chief of staff. However, if Ampry-Samuel enters the race along with Minter they could split the vote, which would a Mealey advantage.
Jones, who supported Ampry-Samuel in her recent victory in the city council race, said the support was never returned, and that both Walker and Ampry-Samuel are looking to run someone against him – possibly Christopher Legree or Bilal Malik to cement their power.
At stake is control of about 150 poll workers on election day and the ability to weigh in on those looking to nab the Democratic Party line for a seat on the bench as a Civil or Supreme Court judge.
Minter supported Henry Butler against Ampry-Samuel in the city council race, and Jones said she showed integrity to stay with him until the end – something he alleges Walker and Ampry-Samuel don’t do.

“My position is Shemene and I are partners and we work together. I respect loyalty. When I had a personal situation with a girl who wrongfully accused me of something a while ago she was the only one that supported me,” said Jones.
Minter thanked Jones for the support, and said that his recent fundraiser at Urban Strategies, 1747 Pitkin Avenue had a great turnout of judicial candidates and others who showed support for both the club and Jones.
“Mr. Jones spoke about the importance of supporting the judges and the roles they play in the community,” said Minter. “He also spoke about how he will remain an active positive figure for the 55th Assembly District by continuing to promote education and unity.”
Texts to both Walker and Ampry-Samuel were not returned.