BK Lawmakers Denounce Viral ‘Punish A Muslim’ Message

Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams, City Council member Jumaane Williams (Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood) and Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (D-Crown Heights, Flatbush, East Flatbush, Brownsville, Midwood, Sheepshead Bay) decried the viral ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ campaign yesterday.
Last month, letters were circulated in the mail throughout the United Kingdom and on social media that called for violence against Muslims on Tuesday, April 3rd, including proposed “rewards” for acts ranging from verbal abuse and assault to murder and bombings. The campaign has left many local Muslim communities with fear and concerns for their safety.
“It is difficult to describe the revulsion that I felt after learning of the spread of this vile hate, of sick individuals who seek to turn violent bigotry into a horrifying and nauseating game. We cannot treat this as a hoax, or with anything other than grave severity and outspoken condemnation. These threats are serious at anytime, and exponentially more so in this time, when malicious people attempt to use those small differences among us to further divide and pit us against one another,” said Williams.
“This is an act of hate fueled by xenophobia and islamophobia. This propaganda is blatant discrimination based solely upon one’s religion that we must denounce. Encouraging violence against the Muslim community is dangerous and contradictory to our American values, and tears away at the fabric of what makes our nation a beacon of hope and justice unto the world. Any act of violence towards this community must not be tolerated. April 3rd is not “Punish A Muslim” day, there will be no such day,” said Clarke.
Bichotte Calls for Resurrection of TPS/DACA Deal

Assembly member Rodneyse Bichotte (D-Flatbush, Ditmas Park) alongside the Haitian-American Legislative Caucus of the New York State Assembly recently met with Senate Minority Leader, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) to discuss the resurrection of a federal immigration deal.
The caucus is hoping to re-energize the push for the continuance of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitians along with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. During Easter Sunday, President Donald Trump stated his intention to not commit to a DACA deal in a series of social media posts outlining the lack of proper border patrol between the U.S. and Mexico, according to The Washington Post.
Last year, Trump decided to phase out both DACA and TPS setting a March 25, 2018 deadline and a June 2019 deadline for the termination of each program, respectively. The controversial decision is expected to affect nearly 30,000 New York City residents currently protected under DACA and another 5,400 TPS residents across the five boroughs.
A lobby day to Washington, D.C. is being spearheaded by the New York State Haitian-American Legislative Caucus for later this year.
“It was great to meet with Senate Minority Leader, Senator Charles Schumer to discuss an issue of the utmost importance to the Haitian community. We cannot allow injustices to humanity to continually plague this country. It is not only unconscionable but it is inhumane and these programs must be resurrected now,” said Bichotte, who represents the largest population of Haitian descendants in New York State.
Golden Blasts State Parole Board Decision To Release “Palm Sunday Massacre’ Killer

State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, Bay Ridge) blasted the most recent decision by the State Parole Board in their decision to release convicted mass shooter Christopher Thomas.
Christopher Thomas, also known as, ‘The Palm Sunday Massacre’ Killer is responsible for one of New York City’s most infamous mass shootings that left eight children and two mothers dead, was released back in January, according to reports. The 68-year-old was freed from upstate Shawangunk Correctional Facility after serving more than 32 years for the 1984 killings.
“Christopher Thomas abused cocaine, and then went to the home of his drug dealer. Finding that his dealer wasn’t home, he executed eight children between the ages of 4 and 14, and their two mothers. All of this was done on Palm Sunday in 1984. Now, the State Board of Parole has seen fit to return this psychopathic killer back on the streets of our great City,” said Golden.
“Nobody is paroled by accident. A lengthy process must be followed before anyone is released back into society. We know that certain critical pieces of information were ignored in the release of cop killer Herman Bell. How many violent, hardened criminals have to be released before the Board of Parole stops this cycle of bad decisions,” added Senator Golden.
AM Williams Applauds NYCHA Funding In FY 19 State Budget

Assembly member Jaime Williams (D-Canarsie, Georgetown, Mill Basin, Marine Park, Gerritsen Beach) applauded the $250 million investment to the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) in the Fiscal 2019 State Budget passed last week.
Just a day before the April 1 deadline, Albany passed a $168.3 billion Fiscal Year 2019 state budget that included increased investments in public housing improvements and repairs.
NYCHA has amassed a list detailing the most important and pressing needs that must be tended to with immediacy including priority projects such as replacing 63 poorly rated boilers and decoupling heat and hot water in 14 developments. All boilers on the list identified face chronic outages and there is little or no means of replacing individual parts as they fail. There are currently 390,000 public housing residents across the city. Within the 59th Assembly District lies the Bay View Housing Development, that is in need of approximately 8 boilers.
“This is a devastating fact to contemplate; New York faced 5 nor’easter storms this year and
colder than normal temperatures, and the residents of Bay View were without much needed heat and hot water, this problem comes to an end now!” demanded Williams.
“On behalf of the resident of Bay View and all residents within the 14 housing developments, I urge the Governor to act expeditiously and without delay, the need for these most basic commodities such as heat and hot water must implemented immediately,” added Williams.
Clarke Announces 2018 Congressional Art Competition

Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke (D-Crown Heights, Flatbush, East Flatbush, Brownsville, Midwood, Sheepshead Bay) announced the opening of the 2018 Congressional Art Competition yesterday.
Each year, Brooklyn students have the opportunity to submit original artwork into a nationwide competition. The winning artwork is displayed in the halls of the United States Capitol in Washington DC.
Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to promote artistic expression in each congressional district. Clarke’s office will now be accepting artwork for the 2018 Congressional Art Competition.
“The Congressional Art Competition is one of my favorite activities each year. It gives students in the Ninth Congressional District an opportunity to express themselves and share their unique creative visions with friends, family, and their community,” said Clarke.
“Brooklyn is home to several renowned artists such as; Ruth Abrams, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Marion Greenwood, and to this day remains a cultural capital for contemporary artists. I believe the next generation of skilled artists are right here in Brooklyn. I encourage every student to participate in this year’s art competition and I look forward to seeing this year’s entries,” added Clarke.
Artwork will be accepted until May 2nd, 2018. Please visit Clarke.house.gov for more details and guidelines for submission or contact Reginald Belon, District Representative, for more information (718) 287-1142.