Rosenthal-Felder Bill to Stop Credit Card Surcharges

Assemblyman Daniel Rosenthal (D–Flushing) is sponsoring lthat would eliminate New York City surcharges associated with online payment of tickets, fees and fines.
The measure comes as the utilization of card-based services is widespread and growing as the economy continues the trend toward paperless transactions. Online payments are neither convenience, nor luxury, but a necessary part of life.
New York State law bars retailers from charging any additional fee to customers paying with a credit or debit card, but continues to allow government agencies to levy a 2.49 percent surcharge for every payment made to them online.
“It is shameful that these surcharges continue to be disguised as convenience fees,” said Rosenthal. “As our economy moves towards a more digitized system, we should not be penalizing already over-taxed New Yorkers for choosing to pay their fines in a timely manner that saves the City money.”
State Sen. Simcha Felder (D- Brooklyn) sponsored the legislation (S6113) on the senate side.
Addabbo Bill Would Ensure Cop Killers Stay In Prison

State Sen. Senator Joseph P. Addabbo, Jr. (D-Howard Beach, Ozone Park, Woodhaven, Glendale, Middle Village, Maspeth, parts of South Ozone Park, Ridgewood, Woodside, the Rockaways) is calling for passage of his legislation (S.3681) ensuring that those who kill law enforcement officials spend their lives in prison with no possibility of parole.
The new call comes on the heels of the recent release of Herman Bell – one of three men convicted of murdering New York City police officers Joseph A. Piagentini and Waverly M. Jones in 1971.
“While those who take the lives of police officers are supposed to be sentenced to life without parole in New York’s prison system, a loophole in the law makes it possible that these cold-blooded killers could wind up back on the streets in as little as 20 years,” said Addabbo.
“When Bell was convicted, for example, it was on a charge of murder in the first degree, which carries a minimum penalty of 20 to 25 years in prison. Under my bill, this loophole in state law would be closed, and the specific crime of murdering a police officer would carry life in prison without parole as the one and only mandatory sentence,” he added.
Meeks Statement on Passing of Congresswoman Slaughter

U.S. Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-Jamaica, Laurelton, Rosedale, Cambria Heights, Saint Albans, Springfield Gardens, Far Rockaway, JFK Airport) Friday expressed his sorrow and condolences on the death of U.S. Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY), who at 88, was the dean of the New York delegation to Congress.
“For decades, Congresswoman Slaughter fought ceaselessly on behalf of her constituents and I could always count on her for valuable counsel. Time and time again, Louise reminded us for what and for whom we are fighting. One recent memory of note was a hearing in the Rules Committee—a committee she was the first women to ever chair—when she made a passionate plea for DREAMers; she didn’t deride the other side, she emotionally implored them to consider the very human consequences of not continuing DACA. Her ability to appeal to and evoke the best in us is part of what made her a brilliant legislator and an amazing person,” said Meeks.
“Her constituents, New Yorkers, and the American people will all deeply miss one of their greatest champions, and I will always miss one of my dear friends, the indomitable Congresswoman, Louise Slaughter.”