Levin Demands City Enforces Housing Law

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Tenants at 79 Lorimer Street in Williamsburg are still locked out of their homes after a vacate order left them homeless more than three years ago, and despite a court ruling in their favor to return last year.

City Councilman Stephen Levin

“It is unconscionable that in this city we can allow tenant rights to just be trampled without any recourse,” said City Council member Stephen Levin (D-Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO, Williamsburg, Boerum Hill) at a press conference this week highlighting the issue.

Tenants said the landlord, Bushburg Properties, removed the sprinkler system. Deemed hazardous, the Department of Buildings (DOB) then issued a vacate order in November 2014. Residents had only 24 hours to leave their apartments.

One tenant, Aaron Scaturro, told reporters he has had only three hours of access to his possessions.

According to Levin, the belongings left behind are now covered in pigeon excrement because the landlord broke out the windows. That property included work tools and supplies many tenants used to make a living.

Levin urged the city to make the necessary repairs and to not delay any further.

The New York City Loft Tenants called attention to other buildings with similar issues, including one in Gowanus.

“The mayor came out several months ago and said he would support loft tenants and support reforms in the city, but we haven’t really seen a demonstration of that,” said attorney Mike Kozek who represents the tenants.

A representative from the office of Assemblyman Joe Lentol (Greenpoint, Williamsburg) also attended the press conference and provided an update on the State Senate bill S6828, which would offer additional protections for tenants living in loft spaces.