In a show of bipartisan politics, both Assemblymembers Nicole Malliotakis (R-Bay Ridge, Staten Island) and Walter T. Mosley (D-Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Prospect Heights, Corwn Heights) slammed Mayor Bill de Blasio yesterday on his raising the property tax levy 38 percent under his administration while failing to address the inequities in property tax payments.
Both assailed de Blasio on the issue after the mayor appeared before the Joint Senate and Assembly Finance Committee hearing in Albany yesterday.

“Unfortunately, the Mayor did not discuss enough about property tax assessment, and how we can work on the city and state level to make sure that there is equitable assessment of property. It is unconscionable that people in Brownsville are paying more property taxes than people who live in Park Slope. We must work for fairness for all our residents with regard to property taxes and it is a pity that the Mayor did not address this,” said Mosley.
Malliotakis brought both her own and de Blasio’s property tax bills to the hearing, and noted how she paid $5,485 on her Staten Island home which the city assessed at $559,000, while de Blasio paid only $3,581 in property taxes despite his home being assessed at $1.69 million.
Malliotakis also brought up that city property owners have seen their tax bill go up 38% under the de Blasio.

“It’s critical for the families in our community that the Mayor make good on his promise of establishing a property tax commission to develop a more equitable system that shares the property tax burden more fairly,” said Malliotakis.
“In the meantime, he should freeze or, at a minimum, cap the property tax levy. The levy, which the Mayor and City Council set, has increased nearly 38% over the past four years. This translates to an additional $7 billion City Hall is seeking from taxpayers. It’s unsustainable and it’s driving middle-class families out of our city.”
Those interested in this issue and de Blasio’s response should check out the following video: