Adams Response To ‘Political War Breaks Out In Brooklyn’ Story

Mayor-Elect Eric Adams with PoliticsNY Editor-in-Chief Stephen Witt.

Editor’s Note: Earlier today, KCP posted two versions of a story involving in-fighting among various factions in Brooklyn’s political community and how yesterday’s city council speakers race was determined. The first story was half-cooked and I pulled it. The second story, which is posted now, I believe is more balanced and fair.

That said, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams reached out to KCP, saying it would have been better to reach out to him directly, and not rely on the sources cited in the story that said they were close to him.

KCP thought this was a fair comment, and offered Adams the chance to comment on any perceived or real animosities between the elected officials that represent Brooklyn. He chose to extend an olive branch. Thus the following are his words:

Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams

“My comment is whoever stated they spoke on my behalf did not speak for me. Hakeem [Jeffries] rise in prominence in Washington DC is good for Brooklyn just as [U.S. Sen. Chuck] Schumer’s rise to lead the Senate.

“My years in government will not be used to fight against the progress of Brooklyn. I have proven that with the close to $100 million I placed in our public schools.  My goal is to show Brooklyn’s future generation how to work together, not fight each other like typical street thugs.

“I am sure the congressman will share my outlook. Corey Johnson is the new speaker and now it is time to ensure that Brooklyn gets its it proper resources no matter who negotiates the delivery.”