Grant Funding Workshop A Success, Pheffer Amato Says

On Monday night, State Assemblymember Stacey Pheffer Amato (D-Rockaway Beach) hosted a workshop to help small organizations apply for grant funding.
The workshop was also co-hosted by Citizens Committee for New York City.
Pheffer Amato once ran a workshop for parents of children with disabilities, which was also successful. The Citizens Committee impressed her so she decided to host another workshop so they could expand their reach in South Queens.
“The Citizens Committee for NYC is one of the oldest micro-grant organizations in the country, and the impact of their decades of work shows every day across the Five Boroughs,” said Pheffer Amato. “We’re New Yorkers; we’re restless; we care deeply about our neighborhoods; and sometimes, we know we need something a City agency or nonprofit isn’t providing. That’s where the Citizens Committee steps in, to encourage innovative, truly home-grown efforts to make our neighborhoods a better place.”
City Council, Lancman Celebrates Diwali

On Monday night, 12 City Council members celebrated Diwali in the Council Chambers. Festivities included a lamp lighting ceremony, dance performances, and presentations in which South Asian leaders were proclaimed.
Faiths that hold Diwali significant include Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and Buddhists. Each legend of Diwali promotes good over evil, light over darkness, and knowledge over ignorance. Lights are lit to celebrate this victory.
“Diwali is a special time when millions of South Asians all across the world rejoice and fill the world with light and love,” said Council Member Rory I. Lancman (D-Kew Gardens, Hillcrest). “I am honored to join the many Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and Buddhists in our city who celebrate this important holiday.”
Four prominent South Asian leaders were recognized at last night’s celebration: Shaanti Bhavan Mandir, who was honored with a proclamation from Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito; Harshit Chugh, who was honored with a proclamation from Council Member Michael Dromm; Jarnal Singh, who was honored with a proclamation from Council Member Barry Grodenchik; and Renee Mehrra, who was honored with a proclamation from Lancman.
Other program participants included: Anandita Guha, who performed the U.S. National Anthem; Dr. Krishna Pratap, who recited the World Peace Prayer; and dance performances by Brinda Dixit, Erika Dhawan, and Masala Bangra. Democratic District Leader Dr. Neeta Jain delivered welcome remarks at the top of the program.
Koo Meets With Helth Dept. To Discuss Flushing Legionnaires

City Council Member Peter Koo (D-Flushing) sat does with the Deputy Commissioner for Disease Control Dr. Demetre Daskalakis last night to discuss details of an investigation into a community cluster of Legionnaires disease in downtown Flushing.
The Health Department is actively investigating these cases and is testing water from all cooling tower systems within the zone.
The meeting happened at 5pm last night at Koo’s district office.