City Councilman Antonio Reynoso (D-South Williamsburg, Bushwick, Ridgewood) was joined by dozens of community leaders and local residents last Wednesday night to celebrate the 45 year anniversary of Los Sures, a community-based, non-profit organization that has served an integral role in rebuilding the South Side of Williamsburg that has a predominantly Latino population.

At the event, Reynoso was presented withThe David Lopez Friend of Los Sures Award, an honor given to those individuals who work alongside Southside United to fight for affordable housing and other essential services within the North Brooklyn neighborhood.
The young councilman, known as a “son of Los Sures” made sure to highlight his history with the organization and his love for his Dominican roots.
“This community keeps growing and the growth is not simply by getting together but it’s about the work that you do and I have a lot of expectations from myself and my wife to continue the movement here in Los Sures and empower our people,” said Reynoso.
Los Sures, also known as Southside United HDFC was established in 1972 with the mission of developing affordable housing in the community. Since then the organization has grown to include community organizing, social services in the form of senior center and a food pantry.

“Now more than ever, with affordable housing still being a major issue for residents of Southside Williamsburg, our organization is keenly aware of its role in stabilizing families and the community as a whole, despite the challenges that we face. “Many organizations close down after 45 years but we are determined to achieve even more in the next 45 years as we work diligently to meet the needs of the community and continue to be a beacon for those who rely on our services,” said Southside United HDFC-Los Sures Executive Director Ramon Peguero.
Also honored at the ceremony was Luis Garden Acosta, Founder and President of El Puente; New York City Council General Counsel Jason Adolfo Otano.

Assemblymember Maritza Davila (D-South Williamsburg, Bushwick) briefly spoke about the importance of Los Sures, and its work in and with the community, while Congressmember Nydia Velazquez, who was busy in the nation’s capital, sent a representative with words of her ongoing support for the organization.
“Dime con quien anda, y te digo quien eres”, said Reynoso.
The Spanish saying roughly translates to: “tell me who you walk with and I will tell you who you are.” The saying is a play on the idea that those around you reflect the type of person you are.
Reynoso was alluding to the great achievements of Los Sures and the positive impact they’ve had on the Williamsburg community that have made him a such successful first-term council member.