Central Brooklyn Lawmakers Rally Against White Supremacist Murder

Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and City Council Members Robert Cornegy Jr., Jumaane Williams, Laurie Cumbo and the rest of the Council’s Black, Latino and Asian Caucus will hold several rallies today demanding a targeted response to the white supremacist hate crime murder of a black man in Manhattan on Monday.
James Jackson, 28, of Baltimore is being charged with second-degree murder after plunging a sword repeatingly into the 66-year-old black victim Timothy Caughman on Monday. Jackson confessed to police and said he had hated black men for at least 10 years.
Cornegy is also requesting a meeting with NYPD Commissioner, James P. O’Neill to discuss the ways in which the department plans to investigate this hateful act of violence.
“We need assurance from the NYPD, and other law enforcement, that there are no connections between the attacker and White supremacist groups that may seek to further harm Black citizens in our city. I am demanding to know from NYPD brass what method has been enlisted to protect Blacks from future attacks,” said Cornegy.
“Jackson traveled from Maryland to New York City specifically to target and harm Black men. It is critical our law enforcement has a targeted and direct response to these hate crimes to ensure all New Yorkers feel safe and secure in the city they call home.”
Cornegy will lead a rally to demand a targeted response white supremacist violence against blacks in the city at 10 a.m., today, March 24 on the steps of City Hall in Lower Manhattan.
Adams, Cornegy and Williams will then lead an emergency response from men of color and allies at 11:30 a.m., today March 24 at the corner of West 36th Street and Ninth Avenue in Hell’s Kitchen – the site of the murder.
Golden Responds To Recent Arrests In Illegal Gun Trafficking

State Sen. Martin J. Golden (R-Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Marine Park, Gerritsen Beach), a former
New York City Police Officer and author of legislation (S.2410/A.5477) to reduce the presences of gangs in New York, yesterday urged passage of the measure following a serious of recent arrests of illegal gun traffickers.
“This year, the NYPD has made numerous arrests and have confiscated hundreds of dangerous guns. Gang members are purchasing guns in other states and transporting to New York to be sold on the streets. Many gun transactions happened in Brooklyn neighborhoods including Bedford-Stuyvesant, Fort Greene, Sunset Park and Boerum Hill,” said Golden.
“New York City is the final destination for deadly guns. Through this illegal enterprise, gang members are flooding the streets with weapons and stuffing their pockets with blood money.”
Golden said his anti-gang bill would clearly define gang offenses, increases penalties, provide for gang prevention programs in schools, establish the criminal street gang prevention fund, and develop a
comprehensive approach to protecting public interests from gang related crime and violence. The NYPD and the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office should be commended for their outstanding job arresting and prosecuting gang members.
“However, they can’t fight this war alone and that’s why I hope my anti-gang bill passes both the Senate and Assembly and signed into law by the Governor,” Golden Added.
Mosley Against Gorsuch Confirmation

Assemblymember Walter Mosley (D-Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Prospect Heights, Crown Heights) this week strongly recommended Democratic U.S. Senators hold the line against confirming Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Mosley said while Gorsuch is an incredibly qualified judge, but much like the 1987 nomination of Judge Robert Bork, this nomination is about more than just qualifications.
“Past decisions of Judge Gorsuch give progressives reason to worry. Judge Gorsuch is a strong supporter of religious freedom, and has written in support of religious companies like Hobby Lobby being exempt from covering contraception. He sides with employers over employees, and poses a threat to the working people, but a benefit to the top 1%. There are few decisions he has written that show he would be a check on some of the constitutional overreach of the Trump administration. And while Judge Gorsuch has clerked for more moderate judges in the past, his decisions have been very similar to the judge he has been chosen to replace; Justice Antonin Scalia,” said Mosley.
“Senate Republicans held up the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland for close to a year. There may be expectations on Senate Democrats to confirm Judge Gorsuch quickly, but this nominee deserves the in-depth hearings and full debate that were denied to Judge Garland. Senate Democrats must be sure that Judge Gorsuch will stand up for the rights of all Americans, and stand up to future unlawful actions of the Trump administration. Until senators, and the American people, are assured of this, Judge Gorsuch must not be confirmed,” he added.
Simon Holds Fundraiser Velazquez

Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon (D-Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill, Boerum Hill, Downtown Brooklyn) tonight is co-hosting a fundraiser tonight to celebrate and support Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez (D-Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan).
“As you know, Congresswoman Velazquez is a forceful and progressive voice in Congress. She is dedicated to social and economic justice, international peace, and civil and human rights. Her role within the party has never been more important,” said Simon in an email.
“This has been incredibly evident in the past few weeks, as she has marched, rallied, and spoken out on behalf of those who need a strong voice now more than ever. With the recent executive order on immigration restrictions, Congresswoman Velazquez was front and center at JFK defending and welcoming those that need our help the most – she’s a fighter for all.
“In addition, she serves as the Ranking Member of the Committee on Small Business, participates in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Progressive Caucus, Women’s Issues Caucus, and the Urban Caucus. She is also assigned to the Committee on Financial Services, where she serves on the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit and the Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing, and Community Opportunity.”
The event is slated for 6-8 p.m., tonight, March 24 at the The Gowanus Pop-Up Space, 296 Bond Street between Sackett and Union streets in Gowanus. You can make an online contribution here.
There is also the option of making a contribution via check. You can find the contribution card attached with all the information you will need to make a payment. You can return this form and payment via email to yardena@bhstrategiesllc.com or by mail to her office at the following address: Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velazquez c/o Yardena Wolf, 335 Madison Avenue, Floor 9, New York, NY 10017.
Ortiz Hosts Community Health Fair

Assemblyman Felix W. Ortiz (D-Sunset Park, Red Hook) tomorrow will host a Community Health Fair that will include TB testing by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), HIV testing, blood pressure screening, and health insurance enrollment.
The fair is slated from 12 noon-4 p.m., tomorrow, March 25 at the Sunset Park Recreation Center, (4200 7th Avenue in Sunset Park.