Ghandi once said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
With this in mind, the Brooklyn Teen Republican Club (BTRC) kicked of their first introductory meeting last Sunday at Schnitzel Haus, 7319 5th Avenue, in Bay Ridge featuring Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (Bay Ridge, Staten Island) as their guest speaker.

The meeting drew a mix of 20 people including middle-aged Republican’s, and of course teens. The Assemblywoman spoke about the club’s wonderful initiative, ideas for club volunteering and political involvement, and her latest legislative work in the assembly.
BTRC president Batya Goldberg founded the club a few months ago on election day. It was then that she saw the Republican Party have it’s first major win in years, and realized a new era was beginning for the Republican Party. But with that in mind, she wanted to change the Party’s stigma of being a party of middle-aged white men.
The BTRC is a club run by Republican teens (with the help of club adviser Raimondo Ranalleta), who identify with the Republican Party, and have a strong yearning for politics.
Afterwards Malliotakis spoke, teen Republicans including club Secretary David Delaney, and Goldberg, stuck around to discuss the club’s mission statement and agenda.
This agenda includes new guests, and new club members. Many teens expressed their desire to start getting involved with local Republican politics, which will be encouraged in all club activities (campaign volunteer work, candidate Q&A’s where questions will be written by teens for the candidate, and other future club endeavors).
The BTRC is determined to fulfill its’ mission of bringing more youth into the Republican Party, and achieve its goal of being a politically active group of Republican teenagers.
Editor’s Note: KCP encourages all political clubs – regardless of Party affiliation – to submit reports of their meetings with a photo or two and we will post them. Time and money allowing, KCP will also send reporters to cover some of these meetings.