Clarke, Nydia Velázquez, Nadler Skip Trump Inauguration In Protest

Brooklyn Congress Members Yvette Clarke, Nydia Velázquez and Jerry Nadler are among more than 20 members of the house planning to skip this Friday Jan. 20 inauguration of Donald Trump to become the nation’s 45th President of the United States.
The latest flap between Trump and members of the House comes after Trump attacked civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis (D., Ga.) on Twitter for saying wasn’t a “legitimate president.” Trump responded on Twitter that Lewis, who was beaten during the Civil Rights movement, was “all talk, talk, talk—no action or results. Sad!”

Clarke tweeted, “I will NOT attend the inauguration of @realDonaldTrump. When you insult @repjohnlewis, you insult America.”
Nadler tweeted that Trump stands with Putin, while he supports Lewis.
Velazquez pledged to travel to Washington D.C. and join thousands of women protesting Trump’s presidency in a massive march scheduled for the Saturday after the swearing-in ceremony.
Parker Remembers Dr. King With Free Concert At Brooklyn College

State Senator Kevin Parker (Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood, Ditmas Park, Kensington, Windsor Terrace, Park Slope) and A Shared Dream Foundation today are hosting their 13th Annual A Shared Dream MLK Concert at the Walt Whitman Theater at Brooklyn College.
One of the largest Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr holiday celebrations in New York City, this year’s tribute will showcase Vashawn Mitchell as the headliner.
This free annual tribute features a diverse array of musical acts including community groups. A Shared Dream has been attended by thousands of concertgoers from all five boroughs over the last 13 years. Parker the founder of A Shared Dream Foundation which produces the event, will be joined on stage by community, religious, and political leaders to reflect upon and pay tribute to Dr. King’s life and legacy.
The free event is slated for 6 p.m., today, Jan. 16 at Brooklyn College -Walt Whitman Theater, 2900 Campus Road at the Nostrand/Flatbush avenues junction.
Lander Continues #GetOrgnaizedBK Events

City Council Member Brad Lander (Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Kensington) on Friday said between the start of the confirmation hearings for a slate of unqualified and all together unacceptable (Presidential) cabinet appointees, and [President-elect] Donald Trump’s disaster of a press conference, the past week has been another reminder of the difficult fights the progressives have ahead.
“From the women and men who braved the cold last weekend to stand with Planned Parenthood in their fight for health care and gender equality, to the hundreds of Brooklynites who rallied in front of Senator Schumer’s house this week to ask him to stand strong against Trump’s nominees, I remain so deeply proud of how our community has turned fear into action,” said Lander.
As such Lander is hosting his next #GetOrgnaizedBK meeting at 7 p.m., today Jan. 16 at Congregation Beth Elohim, 274 Garfield Place in Park Slope.
Other Martin Luther Kings Day events that Lander noted included:
- If your creative juices are flowing, join neighbors at the Old Stone House (3rd Street and 5th Ave in Park Slope) from 11 am – 1 pm for MLK Express Yourself Day. Whether you’re marching in DC next weekend or just want to speak your mind, they’ll have pens, markers, and paints. Please bring any other supplies you like to share.
- Or, if you’re in more of a marching mood, join our neighbors just south of us for the Bay Ridge March Against Hate, organized by Bay Ridge for Social Justice.
- And finally, join us for our next #GetOrganizedBK meeting at 7 PM at Congregation Beth Elohim.
As Contract Expires TWU Local 100 Still Negotiating
With the Transit Workers Union (TWU) Local 100 contract expiring yesterday, President John Samuelsen sent the following email message to the thousands of subway and bus workers belonging to the union.
“We have been bargaining in good faith with the MTA all day in an effort to reach a new contract for our TA-OA and MTA Bus members by the midnight expiration of our current contract.
“We have made some progress but are still not where we need to be. We will to continue bargaining in an effort to secure a contract. At midnight we were still negotiating the economic package and the length of agreement.”
Donovan On House Passing Affordable Care Act Repeal Resolution

Congressman Dan Donovan (South Brooklyn, Staten Island) released the following statement regarding his support for, and House passage of a resolution clearing the way for repealing the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare:
“Obamacare has burdened hardworking Americans with soaring premiums and deductibles, canceled policies, and limited choices. Today’s resolution is the first step in bringing relief to millions of families impacted by our broken healthcare system. I promise to work with my colleagues – on both sides of the aisle – to deliver a real solution that provides quality and affordable healthcare. As we move forward, you can rest assured that there will be a stable transition period to ensure continuous access to health coverage, while the replacement plan is instituted. New Yorkers and all Americans deserve better, and I look forward to putting in place reforms that will create a working and stable healthcare system.”
Donovan said Congress will now begin to working on a reconciliation bill that provides the budget framework necessary to repealing and replacing Obamacare.
Congress Member Hakeem Jeffries (Central Brooklyn, Coney Island) responded with a video denouncing the resolution, which KCP will post today.
Hikind Slams State DOT For Ocean Parkway Implementation

Assemblyman Dov Hikind (Boro Park) yesterday slammed the State Department of Transportation and its implementation of traffic changes Friday morning after a car collision occurred on January 11 at Avenue P and Ocean Parkway just days after the changes took effect.
One motorist was driving southbound toward Belt Parkway as the other driver was attempting to cross Avenue P eastbound toward Coney Island Avenue when the two cars collided. According to the motorists, each claimed to have a green light and the right of way.
“What a nightmare; this is a catastrophe waiting to happen,” said Hikind. “The NYS DOT told us that they would monitor these changes carefully, so we should hold them to their commitment. They promised us safety, but these changes have created a more dangerous Ocean Parkway.”
Hikind’s office has been inundated with complaints from other motorists, who noted the chaos and the dangers that coincide with the implemented changes.
Hikind added: “This is a disaster, one that has already caused an accident and more confusion than ever. Where is the State DOT in ensuring us a safer Ocean Parkway? They agreed to monitor these changes! I have been trying to explain the chaos that would ensue should these changes take effect and this is exactly what is happening. It is my hope that the State DOT will correct and reverse these disastrous changes immediately.”
Ortiz Praises Cuomo On Cell Phone Ban

Assembly Member Felix Ortiz (Sunset Park, Red Hook) Friday praised Governor Andrew Cuomo’s call for a ban on the use of cell phones while driving an automobile at all times on the road.
“As the original sponsor of the law banning use of cell phones by drivers, the law needs to be extended to further protect all drivers, passengers and pedestrians. This is an issue I have championed since 1996. New York became the first state in the nation to ban use of cell phones by drivers after my legislation was enacted,” said Ortiz.
“Drivers are using cell phones when cars are at stop lights or in slow traffic all too often, causing accidents and even death. All drivers need to keep their eyes on the road not on the phone. I look forward to working with the Governor and my colleagues in the State Senate to enact this additional restriction.”