Funeral arrangements For Kenneth P. Thompson


14717038_10154844953482454_5296308915241122011_nMany, many elected officials, civic leaders and readers of Kings County Politics emailed and/or called to express their sorrow and condolences on the death of Kenneth Thompson.

Among these people was Mark Meyer Appel, the founder of the Bridge Multicultural & Advocacy Project, 1894 Flatbush Avenue. The Bridge project in words and deeds seeks to bring all peoples together of all religions and cultures. Mark worked tirelessly in raising money and giving time to help Ken get elected as district attorney. He also insisted I post the following quote from him:

For me, the passing of Ken Thompson, a true fighter for justice is a very personal and very painful loss, leaving behind his wife Lu-Shawn Thompson; his two children, Kennedy and Kenny; and  has left a deep void in us all.

“As the newly elected District Attorney of Kings County, Ken worked hard in restoring respect to the badly tainted political mess he inherited. Creating the ‘Conviction Integrity Office’ was major milestone in pursuit of justice to so many incarcerated who were wrongly convicted. 

“As we all mourn this terrible loss we continue to pray for all of the Thompson family and hope the new DA continues to work on making the Brooklyn DA office a honest and true model of justice,  free of the political mess which tarnished the office for so many years.

“May his memory be blessed.”

Mark Meyer Appel, fourth from right, with Kenneth Thompson, fifth from right, and community leaders.
Mark Meyer Appel, fourth from right, with Kenneth Thompson, fifth from right, and community leaders.