Friday Odds & Ends May 20, 2016


Schack Marching Orders To Carry Treyger’s Petitions

Sources say that Kings County Democratic boss Frank Seddio has ordered Dilia Schack, the outspoken grand dame of Democratic District leaders, to carry City Councilman Mark Treyger‘s petitions for the male Democratic District leader race with no questions asked.

Schack, who recently lost her husband of 41 years, Justice Arthur Schack, heads Coney Island’s Shorefront Democratic Club in the 46th Assembly District. She had backed Treyger in his run for City Council, but was having second thoughts about it after KCP broke the story that Treyger is running for Democratic District Leader.

KCP also reported that Assembly Member Pam Harris was running against Shack for the female leadership position, but Harris refuted the rumor and said she is backing Schack all the way.

Schack, is close to male Democratic District Leader Mark Davidovich, who announced he’s not running for reelection amid rumors that Treyger forced him out.

Either way, Harris and Treyger have their work cut out for them as they face a formidable challenge from Bay Ridge’s Chris McCreight for male district leader and Kate Cucco for the assembly in the September Primary.


Political Stars Take In Weiner Documentary

The “political stars” were out tonight to take in the New York City big screen premier of the critically-acclaimed Anthony Weiner documentary, a source reported.

The movie documents the former Brooklyn Congressman and mayoral hopeful’s fall from grace after he was caught sexting young women.

Among those seen at the at the 8 o’clock “VIP invite only” screening at the IFC Center art house movie theater in Greenwich Village were the City’s  Community Affairs Commissioner Marco Carrión, Forest City Ratner Executive Ashley Cotton, Public Relations Guru Risa Heller, Political Consultant Jon Yedin, TV Host, MSNBC, Meet the Press Daily Personality Steve Kornacki, Board of Education Intergovernmental  Affairs Officer Justin Brannan and State Sen. Daniel Squadron.

Walker Hosts Response To Shooter Forum

Brownsville Assembly Member Latrice Walker tomorrow will host a forum on the A, B, C’s of how to respond in an active shooter situation

NYPD officials will be on hand to show residents how to stay safe during an active shooter event by using the A, B, C’s of Avoid, Barricade, or Confront.

The event is slated for 10 a.m. to 12 noon today at Walker’s District office, 400 Rockaway Avenue, 2nd floor.