Mosley, Richardson, Cumbo Say No To Rave Party

Fort Green Assemblyman Walter Mosley, Crown Heights Assemblywoman Diana Richardson and Fort Greene City Council Member Laurie Cumbo are joining with with Crown Heights civic and religious organizations to demand that the Department of City Administrative Services (DCAS) does not allow a two-day rave party at the city owned Bedford-Union Armory.
The Time Warp Festival, a long-running techno event begun in Germany in 1994, is set for Nov. 20 and 21 at the armory, with tickets going for between $89 to $278 for the all-night event.
But the lawmakers and the community groups feel the site is not safe or conducive to the neighborhood.
“Our community is coming together because we feel this location was never constructed for the purpose of a concert venue. The main drill hall is not insulated to dampen sound and major safety concerns there are not well-defined emergency exits,” said Mosley. “We simply ask that the city listen to community residents and move the event to a venue constructed to handle large volumes of people in a safe and responsible manner.”
The lawmakers and civic and religious organizations will hold a press conference to state their case at 9 a.m. tomorrow, Nov. 12 outside the armory at 1579 Bedford Avenue between Union and President streets.
Clarke Clamps Down On Prescription Controlled Substances

Flatbush Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke released the following statement on the Safer Prescribing of Controlled Substances Act, a bill she introduced which requires medical professionals who prescribe controlled substances to complete a training program that will reduce the abuse of prescription drugs.
The training program will include best practices for pain management, including alternatives to prescribing controlled substances; instructions on responsible prescribing of pain medications; and methods for diagnosing, treating, and managing a substance use disorder.
“The abuse of prescription drugs has become a threat in every community in the United States. There are nearly 259 million prescriptions for painkillers such as hydrocodone and oxycodone written in the United States each year. Many of the individuals who become addicted to painkillers ultimately switch to cheaper alternatives, particularly heroin, at a terrible cost,” said Clarke.
Clarke noted that according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control, there were 22,134 deaths from overdoses of prescription drugs in the United States in 2013, and another 8,257 deaths from overdoses of heroin.
“We cannot allow the overmedication of Americans to continue to ruin lives and families afflicted by drug addiction. With the Safer Prescribing of Controlled Substances Act, we will reverse the trend of overmedication that has resulted in such senseless tragedy,” she said.
Donovan, Golden, Malliotakis Highlight Stories Of Those Who Rely On Zadroga Act

Southwest Brooklyn Congressman Dan Donovan, Bay Ridge State Sen. Marty Golden and Bay Ridge Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis will join Long Island Congressman Peter King and dozens of first responders and union heads tomorrow to highlight the importance of a permanent Zadroga Act extension to the thousands of heroes who rely on the World Trade Center Health Program and Victims Compensation Fund.
Among those who will be in attendance include Joe Zadroga, Father of James Zadroga, the 9/11 Health and Compensation Reauthorization Act’s Namesake, Detectives Endowment Association President Mike Palladino, Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Pat Lynch and Captains Endowment Association President Roy Richter.
The call for the extension of the Zadroga Act is slated for 10 a.m., tomorrow, Nov. 12 outside the 68th NYPD Precinct, 333 65th Street in Bay Ridge.
Adams Announces Education Challenge With Chicago

Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams is announcing an education challenge today between public schools in Brooklyn and Chicago on participation in the Hour of Code, a global computer science campaign held in December to expose students to coding.
Adams will be flanked by two 12-foot tall checklists listing all 471 district schools in the borough, indicating which institutions have enrolled in the program to date.
The challenge comes after Adams recently launched his Code Brooklyn initiative with the mission of giving every young Brooklynite the opportunity to learn how to code. He will speak about the terms of the challenge with Chicago and the importance of coding education.
The event is slated for 1 p.m. today at Borough Hall, 209 Joralemon Street.
Williams, Richardson Laud Cuomo’s $15 An Hour Initiative
Flatlands City Councilman Jumaane Williams and Crown Heights/Lefferts Gardens Assemblymember Diana C. Richardson yesterday lauded Gov. Cuomo’s announcement he will raise the minimum raise for all state workers in increments over the next three years for those that work in the city.

“Three million New Yorkers make less than $15 an hour, most of them women or people of more color, and I maintain that working a full-time job and not making a livable wage is unacceptable,” said Williams.
“Through today’s Executive Order, Governor Cuomo has raised the minimum wage for New York State employees. This is undeniably a big step in the fight taking our country by storm. At the same time, much more needs to be done to combat structural deficits in our communities. None are more important than those deficits that prevent people from feeding their families. And while still so many in New York City, New York State and the country have a long way to go in this fight for $15, we should pause to celebrate victories along the way. I salute 1199SEIU who has championed this national fight, and look forward to the day that the term working poor is obsolete.”

Richardson said the current minimum wage is not a sustainable, livable wage for working New Yorkers.
“In a time of out of control cost of living increases in our city, we need to step up as elected officials and make sure that the labor market is meeting the needs of all of our residents,” said Richardson. “All of the evidence shows that increasing the minimum wage not only helps workers, but adds a tremendous boost to our economy. Doing right by hard working New Yorkers isn’t just the fair thing to do. It is the best thing to do to spur growth for businesses. Raising the minimum wage is a win-win for all of New York City and State, and I plan to continue the fight until we have succeeded.”