Bay Ridge Democrats Pack Watering Hole For Obama Speech

Fr l-r, Andrew Gounardes, the general council for Borough President Eric Adams, City Councilman Vincent Gentile, and Bar Ridge Democrats President Justin Brannan Photo by Pat Sanchez
Members of the Bay Ridge Democrats watch President Obama' s State of the Union speech at the Longbow Pub. Photo by Pat Sanchez
Members of the Bay Ridge Democrats watch President Obama’ s State of the Union speech at the Longbow Pub. Photo by Pat Sanchez

One of the borough’s most active political clubs – The Bay Ridge Democrats – packed the Longbow Pub, 7316 Third Avenue, Tuesday night for a watch party to view President Obama’s State Of The Union Address.

“President Obama set the compass for the path forward – not only for his final years in office but for the future of the Democratic Party and our country – it was a call for us all to return to the things that truly matter for those trying to make ends meet. I think he did a great job of laying out the issues worth fighting for in the coming years – issues focused on fighting inequality which remains the defining issue of our time,” said Club President Justin Brannan.

“Things like paid sick leave and equal pay, these are all meaningful and tangible changes that will make a serious difference in the lives of millions of families,” he added.

Brannan said that all in attendance at the Longbow, which may be the borough’s only authentic Welsh pub, took considerable interest in the president’s call for a better politics where we can have a serious debate without demonizing one another and where issues, values, principles and facts are all that truly matter.

“I think we were all reminded of how important it is to have a commander-in-chief who is a champion for the middle class. In real life, people are struggling to get by, they don’t have time for rhetoric from their elected officials, they need results. That’s all that matters. And I think if we could all truly embrace the fact that together we are in fact better than we are alone, we would all be in a much better place and our country would be set firmly on the right course for future generations,” he said.