Bensonhurst Assemblyman William Colton, today proactively ramped up his bid for the open 11th Congressional District seat with a letter sent to House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner requesting that slain NYPD Detectives Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos be awarded Congressional Gold Medals posthumously.
“Detective Wenjian Liu and Detective Rafael Ramos passed away doing what they loved and at the very least we should honor their memory which epitomizes their courageous and noble service. It is important that their deaths are not in vain. Rather, our nation should remember these two selfless and hardworking police officers for their sacrifice. Their memory cannot be forgotten. Awarding Congressional Gold Medals to these two detectives will help preserve their memory and memorialize their lives in which they helped and served countless others,” wrote Colton.
Colton said the medals will not only ensure that the memory of Detectives Liu and Ramos continue lives on but also will epitomize the need for a healing of police community relations throughout the nation and in New York City by showing the county’s appreciation for the nation’s law enforcement and their heroic sacrifices.
Boehner’s office could not be reached for comment at press time.
The letter comes on the heals of Colton’s announcing he strongly considering running for the congressional district recently vacated through the resignation of Michael Grimm following his felony conviction on tax evasion charges. Colton is a Democrat while Boehner is a Republican and the 11th Congressional District has a high concentration of Republicans.
Governor Andrew Cuomo is in the midst of deciding whether to call a special election for the seat or wait until the next general election cycle, which is in November.