New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray and U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand handed out turkeys today at the Bed-Stuy Coalition Against Hunger (BSCAH).
BSCAH’s clients are primarily single mothers, seniors, and individuals with barriers to mental and physical health. In addition to its pantry, the center provides health and nutrition classes and medical screenings for visitors. Staff assist clients in enrolling for SNAP and health insurance programs, as well as provide tax assistance.
With the holiday approaching, BSCAH is serving more than its average 2,000 weekly visitors. Brooklyn alone is home to 500,000 food insecure people. In the Bronx, every 1 in 5 people are food insecure.
“Far too many families go hungry every day. The holiday season draws attention to this fact, but it’s not about Thanksgiving, it’s about how neighbors can help their neighbors every day of the year,” said McCray. “Food pantries and soup kitchens, like Bed-Stuy Coalition Against Hunger, are working their hardest with limited resources to serve thousands of clients every month. Now is the time for us all to think about what we can do as a city to address this growing problem.”

“It was a pleasure to volunteer today at Bed-Stuy Campaign Against Hunger with two extraordinary women, my friend, Chirlane McCray, and Dr. Melony Samuels,” said Gillibrand. “As we get ready to start the holiday season, it’s important to support those families in need who don’t have food to put on a Thanksgiving table. I hope anyone who is able will find even an hour to volunteer during the holiday season helping others. I can’t thank everyone enough here at Bed-Stuy Campign Against Hunger, Dr. Samuels and the countless volunteers giving their time and energy to those most in need.”