Jennifer Aument is CEO of The New Terminal One, a new world-class international terminal being built at John F. Kennedy Airport along with the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, as the largest public-private partnership in the nation. Jennifer brings more than 25 years of experience in developing and delivering major infrastructure projects across the highway, rail, airport and port sectors, with a focus on public-private partnerships.
How can policymakers support the transportation industry?
Policymakers can play an important role in addressing transportation needs by requiring or incentivizing government decision makers to examine the potential use of public-private partnerships before embarking on major, complex transportation programs. While it’s not the right model for every project, there are opportunities where governments can leverage private capital to help deliver more, drive innovation and reduce risk to taxpayers.
Is there a transportation improvement or project that you hope to see completed in 2025?
We are fortunate that we have so many impactful projects underway in the region, from the Hudson Tunnel to the Midtown Bus Terminal. I am biased, but there just isn’t anything more exciting than the transformation of JFK International Airport, of which my team and I are proud to be a major part. We are transforming a top gateway to the United States into an airport of a scale and grandeur worthy of New York.
What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
A mentor taught me very early in my career that the most important thing you do as a leader is take care of your team. Delivering infrastructure is a complicated business that requires persistence over many years. You must have the right talent in place and work every day to ensure they have what they need to succeed, including support in managing the demands of work and family and opportunities to grow in their careers.