PoliticsNY and amNY Metro are proud to present the annual Labor Power Players list. From union presidents and business managers to private industry executives and public officials, the 2025 Labor Power Players are dedicated to advocating for New York’s workforce and ensuring workers across industries receive the support and benefits they deserve.

Gustavo Ajche- Los Deliveristas Unidos

Gustavo Ajche

Leader, Los Deliveristas Unidos

Gustavo Ajche- Los Deliveristas Unidos

Gustavo Ajche is the leader and spokesperson for Los Deliveristas Unidos, a labor organizing campaign founded in 2020 by app-based delivery workers in New York City that has achieved first-in-the-nation safety and minimum wage protections for these workers. Originally from western Guatemala, Gustavo migrated to Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, in 2004. He has worked in construction and delivery to support his two children in Guatemala while actively fighting for workers’ rights.

What are your organization’s goals for 2025?
In 2025, Los Deliveristas Unidos wants to secure a Delivering Justice 2.0 Policy Platform that will include protections against unfair deactivations for app delivery workers, pay and tipping transparency protections, the expansion of minimum pay for grocery store delivery workers, as well as the expansion of our co-enforcement models with city and state agencies to protect workers and defend their rights to due process against mass deportations. 

How can policymakers support your organization?
They can join and support our advocacy and policy campaigns to provide these needed protections for hard-working delivery workers in New York City.

What is your favorite part of your job?
Seeing positive results for those who fight for equality and justice, regardless of their social status.

Vincent Alvarez- NYC CLC

Vincent Alvarez

President, New York City Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO

Vincent Alvarez- NYC CLC

Since 2011, Vincent Alvarez has served as president of the NYC Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest regional labor federation, bringing together 300 local unions and more than one million workers from all sectors of the NYC economy. A member of the IBEW Local 3 since 1990, Vinny is a graduate of the State University of New York at Oneonta.

How can policymakers support your organization?
NYC policymakers need to work with unions in crafting policies that uplift and expand worker rights and the economic conditions important to NYC workers. Right now, they also must have the courage to fight back against anti-worker policies by resisting federal rollbacks on workers’ rights, supporting unionization, protecting immigrant communities, investing in public education and infrastructure, and strengthening workplace safety regulations.

Lori Ames- UWSU

Lori Ames

National President, United Service Workers Union

Lori Ames- UWSU

Representing over 30,000 members in various industries, USWU National President Lori Ames has led with strength since 2001. With over 30 years of experience in labor, Ames has worked tirelessly to advocate for the rights and fair wages that all workers deserve. With the success of last year’s signage of the Auto Warranty Bill in New York, Ames is working to bring the same bill to New Jersey auto technicians.

What are your organization’s goals for 2025?
USWU will continue to do what it does best in 2025: fight for workers. After spearheading the Auto Warranty Bill in 2024, which became law in New York and increased auto technicians’ wages by almost 20%, this year, USWU is championing similar legislation in Trenton, New Jersey. USWU will continue to organize, fight for industry-leading contracts, and advocate for policies that protect workers’ rights and increase their wages.

How can policymakers support your organization?
Labor unions need the support of policymakers now more than ever before, and policymakers can help USWU by prioritizing unionized workers in their policy-making decisions. Congress must fight to protect the NLRB and workers’ rights. New York State policymakers can pass laws to protect the rights of union members and ensure equal access to work opportunities for union members regardless of their union affiliation.

Andrew Ansbro- UFA

Andrew Ansbro

President, Uniformed Fire Fighters Association of Greater New York

Andrew Ansbro- UFA

Andrew Ansbro, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York, represents 20,000 active/retired firefighters. As leader of the Nation’s largest city firefighters’ union, he has been an outspoken advocate for the needs of NYC firefighters. Ansbro joined the department in February 2001 (E58 Harlem), served as delegate of the UFA since 2005, and is currently assigned to Marine 1. Ansbro is a first responder and survivor of the World Trade Center Terrorist attacks, which was his first fire. 

What are your organization’s goals for 2025?
The UFA represents NYC firefighters on the City, State and Federal levels. As president, I will continue fighting for issues related to firefighters’ health, safety and benefits for our members while advocating for those still suffering from the effects of 9/11, including research for those who are sickened by the toxic environment in ground zero. 

How can policymakers support your organization?
Policymakers can support the goals of the UFA by ensuring that the FDNY receives adequate funding, providing resources for the best and safest equipment and maintaining proper staffing levels. They can also support our members by ensuring that there is funding for the WTC Health Program that provides medical monitoring, treatment and research for those who are sickened by the toxic environment at ground zero. 

What is your favorite part of your job?
Knowing that many of the fights that I have taken on for NYC firefighters will also benefit the people of NYC. When I fight for increased staffing and resources, that helps firefighters in their mission but also makes NYC safer for all residents and visitors. I’m proud of my role as president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, it’s the greatest honor of my life to represent the most loved and respected labor force in the world.

Stuart Appelbaum- RWDSU

Stuart Appelbaum

President, Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union

Stuart Appelbaum- RWDSU

Stuart Appelbaum serves as president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. He is also executive VP of the 1.3 million member UFCW, and a vice president of the National AFL-CIO, where he chairs the International Committee. Appelbaum is president of UNI Global Commerce (a federation of 160 unions and 4 million members worldwide involved in commerce). He chairs the Democratic National Committee’s Labor Council. He is also president of the Jewish Labor Committee.

What are your organization’s goals for 2025?
In a world that has gone wrong in so many ways, working people gain strength by standing together in solidarity. We need to continue organizing and bargaining and enforcing strong contracts. We need to work in partnership with allies who share our values. We need to elect individuals to office who understand and support the goals and aspirations of working people – and we need to hold them accountable.

How can policymakers support your organization?
Policymakers need to understand the struggles that working people face every day in trying to support themselves and their families. Only through a union will workers have the strength they need to improve their lives. Policymakers need to listen, and they need to advocate for laws that will support unionizing. As the federal government walks away from its responsibilities, the state will need to step in, in order to protect workers on the job.

What is your favorite part of your job?
There is nothing better than visiting members at their worksites and talking with them at union meetings. Everybody has stories to tell about their lives – about their own challenges and how they work to overcome them. And it is especially gratifying to often hear how the union has made a difference for them and their families. I learn so much from members, and I am constantly inspired by them.

Benny Boscio- COBA

Benny Boscio

President, NYC Correction Officers' Benevolent Association

Benny Boscio- COBA

Benny Boscio Jr. began his career as a New York City correction officer in 1999. Over his 24 years of service, he has worked in various commands on Rikers Island, as well as in the borough facilities. In 2020, Benny ran for president of the Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association on a platform of creating safer jails and improving the working conditions of his members. He was elected president by an overwhelming margin of victory.

Harry Bronson- NYS Assembly

Harry Bronson

Assembly Member, New York State Assembly | Chair, New York State Assembly Labor Committee

Harry Bronson- NYS Assembly

Harry Bronson has represented District 138 since 2010. He currently serves as chair of the Assembly Labor Committee and is dedicated to increasing worker protection, rights and safety, building a strong middle class, and making sure we have an economy that works for everyone. Prior to being elected, he was an attorney focusing on anti-discrimination employment law and labor issues. His passion for social justice, equality and fairness has defined his public service and legal careers.

What are your organization’s goals for 2025?
My priorities for 2025 include increasing workplace safety on job sites, ensuring fair contracts on publicly funded projects, greater access to childcare for our hardworking families,  just transitions, connecting climate job opportunities to highly-trained union labor, and ensuring our investments in economic development are complemented by investments in workforce development so our emerging and expanding industries can access skilled workers and our families have better opportunity for middle-class jobs with family-sustaining wages.

What is your favorite part of your job?
I learn something new every day!

Uniformed Fire Officers Association (UFOA) – Swearing In Ceremony, 30th of August 2023

Jim Brosi

President, FDNY Uniformed Fire Officers Association

Uniformed Fire Officers Association (UFOA) – Swearing In Ceremony, 30th of August 2023

Jim Brosi is the president of the FDNY Uniformed Fire Officers Association, representing 7500 active and retired fire officers. Jim has been an active member of the fire officers’ union for nearly 25 years serving as a delegate and a member of numerous negotiation committees. Elected to the Executed Board in 2020, he held the position of recording secretary and pension trustee until his election to president in 2023. Jim joined the FDNY in 1993 and has risen to the rank of deputy chief assigned to Division 7 in the Bronx. He is a second-generation firefighter who was taught the value of unions and union leadership at an early age.

Renee Campion- OLR

Renee Campion

Commissioner, Mayor’s Office of Labor Relations

Renee Campion- OLR

Renee Campion was appointed in 2019 as the first woman labor commissioner in New York City. Campion has worked for the city for 23 years and has worked for over 34 years as a professional in labor relations. She represents the mayor in labor negotiations between the city of NY and over 150 labor unions, associations, or other organizations representing civilians, teachers and uniformed employees. Campion is responsible for administering all city employee contracts, prevailing wage agreements, health insurance for over 1.2M individuals including active and retired city employees and their dependents, and various pre-tax programs. OLR also manages the NYC Employee Assistance Program that provides confidential counseling, education, consultation and referrals to tens of thousands of city employees and their families every year. Our WorkWell NYC program offers direct services at worksites such as vaccination clinics, fitness classes, health education, awareness campaigns and competitive competitions that positively impact thousands of city workers every year.

What are your organization’s goals for 2025?
RE: Collective Bargaining

  • By the conclusion of 2024, the City was able to reach collective bargaining agreements with over 98% of our unionized workforce under Mayor Adams’ administration. This was the quickest any mayoral administration has reached that milestone in modern city history.
  • In 2025, OLR looks forward to reaching voluntary agreements with the rest of the unionized workforce.

 RE: WorkWell NYC 

  • OLR plans to reach even more city employees in 2025 by expanding and varying programming and directly engaging up to 60,000 city workers for WorkWell NYC.

RE: NYC Employee Assistance Program

  • NYC EAP continually strives to help those NYC employees and their family members in need of behavioral health services.  NYC EAP will strengthen outreach and marketing efforts to bolster utilization, with a goal of increasing the population served by 10% in 2025.
Michael Carrube- Subway Surface

Michael Carrube

President, Subway-Surface Supervisors Association

Michael Carrube- Subway Surface

Michael Carrube began his career in NYCT in 1989 as a train conductor. In 1993, he was elected shop steward. He then served as TWU 100 division chairman from 1997 to 2004. In 2007, he was promoted to supervisor and joined the Subway-Surface Supervisors Association. In 2010, he was elected section VP. In 2014, he was elected SSSA president. In 2018, he created the National Association of Transportation Supervisors, representing supervisors and managers. Michael was re-elected SSSA president in 2024.