Kingsbridge street co-named for Nicholas Dominici, who died following day care fentanyl exposure

Street co-naming ceremonies usually honor New Yorkers who led long, fruitful lives of service to their communities. But on Sept. 15, Bronx neighbors and elected officials gathered to unveil a street sign for Nicholas Feliz Dominici, who was just a toddler when he died Sept. 15, 2023, after being exposed to fentanyl at his Kingsbridge day care.

The intersection of Kingsbridge Road and Kingsbridge Terrace is now marked Nicholas Otoniel Feliz Dominici Way. His death, at the age of 1, along with injury of three other children, rocked the west Bronx community and drew nationwide attention to the lack of consistent regulation for home-based day cares. Authorities, following Nicholas’ death, discovered a stash of fentanyl along with drug paraphernalia beneath a trap door in the room where the children apparently slept.