Mary Trump headlines Jim Owles dinner


Mary Trump, who has labeled her Uncle Donald “the most dangerous man in America,” took a message of hope to the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club’s winter dinner on Janunary 20 at the Hard Rock Café in Times Square. Trump, an out lesbian, said that during the pandemic “we learned about the importance of community” — the kind of community “we have with like-minded people” and how to fight hard for what we believe in. Receiving one of the club’s Human Rights Awards, she said, “The fight is worth it and I’m honored to be in the fight with all of you.”

Mary Trump delivers remarks at Jim Owles’ dinner.Andy Humm

The club’s longtime President, Allen Roskoff, hit similar themes, recounting how he used hardball tactics to get Governor Andrew Cuomo to meet with him about granting clemencies, especially for Judith Clark, who Cuomo then met with in prison and commuted her sentence. “Anybody has the power to do outrageous things that can make a positive difference,” he said, challenging his audience to get arrested if necessary for the sake of their causes.