Federal Government Plans Permanent Rainbow Flag at Christopher Park


Four years after the Trump administration abruptly nixed plans to bring a Rainbow Flag to federal land adjacent to Christopher Park, the Biden administration is planning to install a permanent flagpole at the park — and the colors of the rainbow will be on full display day and night on US property.

The fresh development follows the Trump administration’s decision in 2017 to cancel the National Park Service’s intentions to dedicate a Rainbow Flag at the Stonewall National Monument in commemoration of National Coming Out Day. While it was believed that flagpole — located just outside of the park’s fence — stood on the portion of the Stonewall National Monument owned by the federal government, the Trump administration rejected that notion, saying instead that it would not raise such a flag because the pole was not on federal land. That move that was widely viewed as yet another act of hostility by an administration that relentlessly targeted LGBTQ rights.