Brewer, Chin to Host “Envision SoHo/NoHo” Report Public Release

This Wednesday, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer (D) and Councilmember Margaret Chin (D-Battery Park City, Chinatown) will be hosting an information session on their recent “Envision SoHo/NoHo” recommendations report.
Last January, Brewer and Chin initiated the Envision SoHo/NoHo engagement process, a plan for identifying and examining zoning and land use issues in the two neighborhoods. In November, they published a report detailing their findings. This Wednesday’s meeting will have them summarize the report and listen to feedback from neighborhood residents.
The event will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 8 from 6-8 p.m. at the Scholastic Building, 130 Mercer St.
Espaillat Issues Statement on Killing of Qasem Soleimani

Representative Adriano Espaillat (D-Washington Heights, Sugar Hill) released a statement last week in response to the United States’ killing of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.
Soleimani was the head of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force, a military unit specializing in extraterritorial operations. Rising to prominence in the 80’s, he became an iconic and highly controversial figure in Iran, playing a key role in the nation’s military dominance in the Middle East.
On Jan. 3, Soleimani was killed by an airstrike ordered by President Donald Trump (R). That same day, the Department of Defense released a statement alleging that Soleimani was, “actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq.”
Espaillat, while conceding that Soleimani was a dangerous individual, maintained that Trump’s decision was incredibly reckless.
“Soleimani was, without doubt, responsible for much violence and the deaths of Americans in the Middle East for many years,” said Espaillat. “The Trump Administration has continuously shown a lack of preparedness or a coherent strategy regarding Iran and the entire Middle East. The various strikes conducted over the last week by the administration, culminating with the escalation in last night’s targeted killing of Qasem Soleimani, appear to be part of this ad hoc approach. My primary concern with the administration’s reckless escalation is for the safety of U.S. servicemembers, diplomats, personnel, and our allies in the region who are now at heightened risk of aggressive Iranian retaliation. The administration has claimed that the goal of this latest strike was to prevent future attacks by Iran, yet it is clear that this action may have the opposite effect.”
Hoylman Praises Cuomo’s Proposal for Hudson River Park

State Senator Brad Hoylman (D-Chelsea, Midtown) released a statement last Sunday commending Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) for his legislative proposal for Hudson River Park.
During his 2020 State of the State Address, Cuomo announced a proposal to integrate Pier 76 into the Hudson River Park complex. Currently, the park is being used as a tow pound for the NYPD.
The pier was scheduled to be transferred over twenty years ago, but until now the transfer was never completed.
“Hudson River Park serves as the backyard for the West Side of Manhattan, where public open space is in scarce supply,” said Hoylman. “It’s no wonder, then, that the park attracts more than 17 million visits each year. I’m extremely grateful to Governor Cuomo for using his State of the State address to announce legislative proposals to reaffirm his commitment to new open space at Pier 76 and Pier 40 and look forward to working with Community Boards 4 and 2, my colleagues in government, and other local stakeholders to help fully realize the potential of the Hudson River Park.”