Hold it and they come.
More than 800 job seekers and 100 employers from the private and public sectors turned out this week at the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce’s 6th Annual Brooklyn Bridge to Employment Career Expo at Industry City in Sunset Park.

The career expo offered people looking for jobs the resources and tools they need to seize employment opportunities in some of the city’s fastest-growing industries, including technology, research and healthcare.
“Initiatives like the 6th Annual Brooklyn Bridge to Employment Career Expo ensure that needs on both the employer and employee sides are being met, and more importantly, that they are translating into economic opportunities for the borough,” said Assembly Member Walter Mosley (D-Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Prospect Heights, Crown Heights), who participated in the event along with Governor Cuomo’s Director of Workforce Development Madhuri Kommareddi.
The event was part of the Brooklyn Chamber’s on-going workforce development programs, which have successfully placed 490 individuals in well-paying, lasting careers over the last five years.
Brooklyn Chamber Interim President Samara Karasyk noted the Chamber uniquely positioned to understand the needs of small businesses. “The strength of Brooklyn’s economy and the success of its small businesses depends upon the ability to attract and retain a qualified workforce,” Karasyk said.
Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Ana Oliveira said, ““It’s exciting to have some 100 employers from across the industry spectrum offering hundreds of job opportunities – from healthcare to banking and legal services, to educational and government positions.”
For more information about job opportunities in Brooklyn, visit the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce’s website at ibrooklyn.com.