Clarke Decries Trumps Public Charge Policy Change

U.S. Rep. Yvette Clarke Yvette D. Clarke (D-Brownsville, Crown Heights, East Flatbush, Flatbush, Kensington, Midwood, Prospect Heights, Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Park Slope) yesterday decried the Trump administration’s new policy, known as the public charge ruling, that would disqualify legal immigrants from permanent residency if they use certain public-assistance programs and block prospective applicants deemed likely to need them.
“Today’s public charge rule announcement has yet again come on the wrong side of history, treating immigrants as less than human. The public charge rule means law-abiding immigrants will be put in an impossible position, having to forfeit health care, nutrition and housing programs in order to get a Green Card or receive other lawful status,” said Clarke.
“Every single one of us has needed help from somebody else at some point in our lives, and this administration has lost sight of this fact with this compassionless public charge rule publication. This rule is a way our administration has yet again bullied immigrants who will now be afraid to seek out essential services to which they are lawfully entitled.
“Where our “leader’s” heart is supposed to be, is instead filled with hatred, bigotry and xenophobia. Trump’s lackeys have followed his savage direction with such a cold disregard for Brown and Black people. But we will stand united in embracing our immigrant populations and do whatever it takes to right this wrong,” she added.
Myrie’s Weekly Constituent Outreach Services

State Sen. Zellnor Myrie (D-Brownsville, Crown Heights, East Flatbush, Gowanus, Park Slope, Prospect Heights, Prospect Lefferts Gardens, South Slope, and Sunset Park) continues his out of legislative session community outreach with more events this week.
They include his Senator on Your Block series slated for between 5-7 p.m., today Aug. 13 at the Church Avenue 2/5 trains subway stop.
Myrie will then join Assemblymember Diana Richardson (D-Crown Heights, Lefferts Garden, Flatbush) along with the state Department of Labor for a career fair and job expo.
That event is slated for 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 15 at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center, 450 Clarkson Avenue in East Flatbush.
Gournardes Says Criminally Charge river In Cyclist Death

State Sen. Andrew Gournardes (D-Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, Gravesend, Gerritsen Beach, Manhattan Beach, Marine Park) yesterday lobbied for the driver that ran a red light leading to the death of 52-year-old cyclist Jose Alzorriz should be criminally charged.
“It is outrageous and heartbreaking that the driver who was caught on camera speeding through a red light, leading to the death of 52-year-old cyclist Jose Alzorriz, was released with no charges,” said Gounardes.
“Upon review of the video of this incident, two things are clear: First, that this driver was driving in excess of the speed limit, and second, that he drove through a red light. His actions directly led to the death of Jose Alzorriz, and he should be held criminally responsible for taking a life.
“I will be exploring ways to strengthen the law to ensure that every driver who kills or seriously injures another person through reckless and dangerous driving is held responsible and faces consequences,” he added.
Cuomo Puts State Police To Investigate Recent Hate Crimes

Gov. Andrew Cuomo yesterday directed the state police hate crimes task force to investigate a recent series of assaultsJews in Williamsburg.
“I am sickened by Monday’s series of assaults on Hasidic Jews in Williamsburg. In New York, we have absolutely zero tolerance for such heinous acts; they are completely unacceptable and are repugnant to our values of diversity and inclusion,” said Cuomo.
“I am directing the State Police Hate Crimes Task Force to immediately provide the NYPD with any resources needed to assist in the investigation of this incident and to ensure those responsible are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
“Anti-Semitism is a growing cancer that has been injected into the nation’s body but in New York we will continue to stand united and with one voice condemn any and all acts of hatred and intolerance,” he added.
Levin General Welfare Committee Looks At Social Services Legislation

City Councilmember Stephen Levin (D-Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn Navy Yard, Downtown Brooklyn, Dumbo, Fulton Ferry, Greenpoint, Vinegar Hill, Williamsburg) today will chair the Committee on General Welfare, which will look at a number of measures to making the city’s Department of Social Services (DSS) more accountable and easier for the clients they serve.
Among the proposed measures is Speaker Corey Johnson’s (D-Manhattan) measure that would create an Office of Constituent Services at the DSS.
The Office would establish a system for DSS to receive comments, questions and complaints from clients, conduct a review of all cases where public benefits have been or will be terminated, maintain policies to communicate with clients in a timely manner in response to inquiries, and develop strategies and recommendations regarding such client communication. DSS would be required to post the phone number and information about the Office of Constituent Services on its website.
The meeting is slated for 12 noon, today, Aug. 13 at City Hall in Lower Manhattan.
Colton Demands Portal Service Install Theft Proof Mailboxes

Assemblyman William Colton (D-Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, Dyker Heights) yesterday warned the neighborhood of the outbreak of an identity theft problem that is resulting from mail being stolen from neighborhood United States Postal mailboxes and is demanding that the United States Postal Service replace mailboxes with new secured ones.
“There have been a number of problems with the United States Postal neighborhood mailboxes, where people’s identities have been stolen due to fishing in mailboxes. Throughout the Gravesend, Bensonhurst, Bath Beach, and Dyker Heights neighborhoods there are still many of the older United States postal mailboxes that have access by opening the large slot where mail then easily can be fished out,” said Colton.
“Also there are frequent complaints that the mail hasn’t been picked up on the scheduled daily basis and it just overflows, which gives easy access for the crooks. I am calling on the United States Postal Inspection Service to investigate and change all the neighborhood United States Postal Service mailboxes to newer models with a narrow slot which does not permit mailed letters from being fished out of the box,” he added.
Frontus Keynote Speaker At Maimonides Summer Employment Participants Celebration

Assemblymember Mathylde Frontus (D-Coney Island, Bay Ridge) tomorrow is scheduled as the keynote speaker as Maimonides Medical Center will honor its youngest employees with a special Recognition Ceremony for participants of the Summer Youth Employment Program.
Participants will be recognized for their outstanding contributions throughout the hospital and for providing exceptional care to patients and patients’ families.
Welcoming remarks will be given by Kenneth D. Gibbs, Maimonides President & CEO, and Douglas Jablon, Executive Vice President & Special Assistant to the President.
This highly successful program is funded in part by the following sponsors: 1199 Child Care Corporation; NYC Department of Youth & Community Development; NYC Department of Education; Brooklyn-Queens-Long Island Area Health Education Center (BQLI AHEC); and Futures and Options.
The event is slated for 9:30 a.m., tomorrow, Aug. 14 at the Maimonides Medical Center, Administration Building, Schreiber Auditorium (2nd Fl.), 4802 Tenth Avenue in Sunset Park.