Kings County Democratic Party Boss Frank Seddio took a shot across the bow at both Queens County District Attorney-elect Tiffany Caban and the relentless progressive movement where millennial neighborhoods turn out in droves for their candidate, overwhelming neighborhoods of color in what some call political gentrification.
Seddio’s comments came as he basked in the glow at City Councilmember Farah Louis‘ election party at Suede Restaurant, 5610 Clarendon Road in East Flatbush. Seddio saw all the county’s candidates including Louis, Surrogate Judge Margarita Lopez-Torres, and 6th District Civil Court Candidate Caroline Cohen go on to victory.

“I think it means something for the whole Queens [Democratic] organization. I think they really have to do a real evaluation of how their organization runs campaigns. I would like to think that in Brooklyn – if we could call it a machine, I don’t call it that – is an example by which all the other boroughs should follow. What we do here and how we do it, and the cohesiveness of how we do it, is what makes us strong. And makes us the competent elected people that we are,” said Seddio.
Seddio, a former cop and state assemblymember from the hard-scrabble but tight-knit streets of Canarsie, questioned Caban calling for no cash bail on all crimes and her saying she will decline to prosecute fare evasion, low-level marijuana possession, trespassing, disorderly conduct, loitering, drug possession and welfare fraud.
“We have a reason for why you have to be 35 to run for president and I think we should have the same thing for district attorney. A district attorney is there to protect the people from criminals. We’re not here to make the criminals feel better. We are here to make criminals pay for the consequences of their crimes,” said Seddio.
“In my mind, as a retired police officer, and as a former detective who served for 23 years, I can’t imagine that the effect of the terms of quality of life this is going to have in Queens,” he added.
A map from the CUNY graduate school shows Caban won big in Western Queens in areas like Long Island City, Astoria and Jackson Heights, the main base of the progressives in the borough, and the same district that is represented by one of her biggest endorsers Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Jackson Heights, Bronx).
A closer (ED level) look at #QueensDA #NYCPrimary. Dark red EDs show strong support for Caban, w/many fewer 70+% EDs (dark green) for Katz. Also shows mixed support across the boro inbetween western & southeastern Queens. 1/n
— Steven Romalewski (@SR_spatial) June 27, 2019
The Caban/Katz contest was too close to call as of this post time, though the unofficial count currently stands at Caban with 33,814 or 39.57% to Katz’s 32,724 or 38.30%, according to the Board of Elections.
There are 3,400 absentee votes yet to be counted, according to the BOE. In order for Katz to flip the win in her direction, she would need over 1,200 ballots, which would be a tough feat considering the votes could be split either six or seven ways amongst the other candidates in the race.
The final results may not be known until July 3, according to the New York Times.
But for Seddio, the old adage that youth must be served held little sway.
“Everything she is talking about is absolutely misguided at best. I remember when I was 31-years-old, I thought I could conquer the world. And then I realized when I was 40 how stupid I was. I hope she doesn’t have to learn that lesson,” quipped Seddio.
– Stephen Witt contributed to this story.