President Trump, facing a bear market in which the working and middle class see their retirement accounts plunge, a continued investigation into collusion with Russia concerning the 2016 presidential election, and an emboldened Democratic majority House, will be impeached by the House, but barely survive his presidency as two-thirds of the Senate will not approve the impeachment.

Oddly, while Trump will continue his divisive rhetoric through impromptu press conferences and social media, he will also continue signing bipartisan legislation such as his recently signed First Step Act, criminal justice reform legislation. This will include legislation that will present a road to citizenship for DREAMers.
Central Brooklyn lawmakers will come together to erect a statue of the late City Council Member James E. Davis for being the father of efforts to stop black on black crime through his Stop Violence Foundation.
Freshmen Assembly Members Simcha Eichenstein (D-Borough Park) and Mathylde Frontus (D-Coney Island, Bay Ridge) will craft legislation that will be beneficial to both the Jewish and black communities. This will also pave the way for Frontus to becoming a leader in uniting an increasingly divided Coney Island.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and/or his wife, Chirlane McCray, will make at least two more trips to Iowa as the mayor tests the waters as a longshot presidential candidate positioning him and his wife as the ideal idenity politics couple.
Meawhile, U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) will announce her candidacy for president while Gov. Andrew Cuomo will continue to stay out of the race.
Look for U.S. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries to be a longshot vice president candidate.
City Council Members Justin Brannan and Mark Treyger will bury the hatchet after a pub crawl togther, which will start over a few beers at an Irish Pub in Bay Ridge and conclude over shots of vodka in Brighton Beach. Treyger will then support Brannan as the next City Council Speaker while Brannan will support Treyger as the next borough president.

City Council Members Laurie Cumbo and Chaim Deutsch will continue to reach across identity politics lines as they maneuver to team up for the borough president’s office.
Assemblywoman Diana Richardson‘s political capital and popularity will increase as she continues to learn and understand the game of politics.